The Champlain College Apiary had a great summer and we’re happy to share this year’s honey harvest and beeswax products with you. Apiary manager, Bridget Manning, will be in the IDX atrium from 12-2 PM every Thursday until the holidays –take home your favorite bee products and support our campus apiary with your purchase!
Can’t make the sale today? You can purchase our products at this link:
For bulk orders, please contact me at
As always, our raw honey is bottled, labeled, and sold by our students and all proceeds go back to the bees. Our living laboratory has been incorporated into 50+ classes and extra-curricular programs, produced and sold over 2,000 pounds of honey, and hosted many visitors from the Champlain and wider Burlington communities. Please help us continue this important work.
Thank you for your support!

Kristin Wolf, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
304 Aiken Hall
Champlain College
163 South Willard
Burlington, VT 05402
(802) 865-5752
she/her pronouns