We want to spread the word about the Natural Shoreland Erosion Control Certification training sessions that the Vermont DEC is offering this November. We feel that these full day training events may be of interest to students at Champlain College who are interested in shoreland Best Management Practices, including techniques for erosion control, stormwater management, bioengineering and wildlife habitat protection. Please distribute information about these trainings to anyone who you believe would be interested in or could benefit from them.
Please feel free to ask Amy and I questions about these training events. Also, please visit the NSECC web page where you can find more information such as links to videos, PowerPoint presentations and the Public List of NSECC Trained Professionals. The web address is https://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/lakes-ponds/lakeshores-lake-wise/nsecc
I attached a flyer and a registration form to this email and I pasted the email announcement we have been using below.
November 5th and 6th
The Natural Shoreland Erosion Control Certification training will be offered on two different days, Tuesday, November 5th in Montpelier and Wednesday, November 6th in Essex this year. The NSEC one day Certification is offered annually each November. Please help spread the word and flyer, attached, or visit the web site for more information.
To Register, contact:
Tel. 802-490-6153
For Other Questions, contact:
Tel. 802-490-6128
Thank you,
Amy Picotte and David Addeo,
David Addeo, Environmental Technician B.O.S.S. | Data Management and Reporting 1 National Life Drive, Main 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3522 802-490-6153 | david.addeo@vermont.gov See what we’re up to on our Blog, Flow. Note: Written or recorded communications to and from state officials produced or acquired in the course of public agency business are considered public records and will be available to the public for review.