The PJC works within Vermont but we can impact Yemen, Iran, Palestine, and more.
PJC Educational Programs & Events
Talking with Kids about Racism Tuesdays, November 13, 27, and December 11, from 7-9pm, at Zenbarn Studio, Waterbury. A program for parents, families, neighbors, caregivers, teachers, or anyone concerned about racisms’ effect on children. Register here.
POC in VT Affinity Group Thursday, November 15, 6-8:00pm, PJC. Join Song Nguyen in exploring how people of color can be heard and build community in a predominately white state. This monthly meeting is for all people of color. FREE
at the Train Station at Main Street Landing. Be part of the best dance party of the year. Money goes to support VT Access to Reproductive Freedom. Cosponsored by the PJC. Suggested donation is $15-$150.
Seeing and Disrupting Racism Saturday, December 8, 2-3pm, PJC. Define racism and explore how white fragility perpetuates racism and specific ways to disrupt the cycle. FREE
On July 28, 13 protesters participated in civil disobedience and were arrested outside the ICE offices in Williston. Two of the protesters were minors.
It would be great if civil disobedience was a tactic more people could utilize regardless of economic status. Most of the people who were arrested are able to pay for their share and more. Others are not able to do so easily.
Help those who can’t afford the fees and other immigrant rights efforts by contributing to this Go Fund Me.
Keep Families Together Harvest Supper Fundraiser
Saturday, November 17 at the Monteplier UU, 5:30-9pm.
Delicious food, live music, and information on how to help. Proceeds to benefit frontline communities resisting ICE family separation and deportation. $10-$25 donation, no one turned away.
Anti-Semitism and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) – Kathy Shapiro, VTJP

The call for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) came in 2005 from 170 civil society groups representing unions, women’s organisations, churches, political parties, refugee networks and others within Palestine. It is a nonviolent strategy that asks people of conscience to take action in solidarity with the people of Palestine and put pressure on the Government of Israel until it meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and full compliance with international law.
Want to see more of the Peace & Justice Center more often?
Follow us on social media to see pictures, read articles, and be in the know about what we are up to, community issues, events, and more.
Center Hours
Monday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Store Hours
Monday-Saturday: 10am-6pm.
Sunday: 10am-5pm
Hours are subject to change. Call(802) 863-2345 x2 to confirm.
60 Lake Street, Suite 1C
Burlington’s Waterfront.
(Next to Skinny Pancake)
Please sign up to be added to our Action Alert email list. You will continue to get this bi-weekly enews. And PLEASE, let us know when you know of last minute OR pre-planned events so we can help get the word out.
We do our best to not overwhelm your inbox with emails which is why we only send out the e-news every two weeks. But when something emergent is happening, we’d like to let you know! Click here to be added to the list.
From the Blog: Reflection on Medea Benjamin |
-By Ryan Murphy, PJC Programming Intern
On Wednesday, September 26th, peace activist Medea Benjamin joined us at the Peace & Justice Center to give a talk about the subject of her new book, Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The book itself is an approachable, general-audience guide to U.S.-Iran relations. It deconstructs inflammatory American rhetoric and myth-making, but also speaks about the way in which Iranian citizens’ everyday lives have been harmed by pseudo-diplomatic sanctions.
US Official’s Iran Speech Interrupted: How Did the War With Iraq Turn Out? |
Just a few days before the talk, a video of Medea had gone viral. Brian Hook, the State Department’s Special Representative for Iran, had just finished giving a speech in front of a prominent right-wing think tank called the Hudson Institute. Before Hook has even made his way to the armchair that awaits him next to the podium, a woman in a hot pink T-shirt walks onto the stage. “That is the most ridiculous thing I have seen,” she begins. A security guard tries to apprehend her as she continues her speech. A second security guard comes, then a third. Eventually, we watch them forcibly carry her out. She never stops speaking, and we can still hear her after she’s down the hallway and out of sight. You can watch that here. It’s pretty brilliant, and seems surreal, almost like a scene from an apocalypse movie.
We want you to be one of our interns! Our internship offerings include: Racial Justice, Fair Trade, Peacework, Programming/Fundraising, and Volunteer Development.
The Greatest Silence: Rape in Congo
The Vermont Ibutwa Initiative invites you to join them in the Film House at Main Street Landing on November 17 at 7pm for a screening of “The Greatest Silence: Rape In Congo”. This is an insightful documentary has inspired many current Ibutwa advocates to break the silence about the sexual violence that is connected to our electronic devices. Conflict minerals are just one part of the problem. Find more information here
The Greatest Silence: Rape in The Congo (Official Trailer)
This is a partial listing. See more in our public calendar.
November 13, Tuesday
November 14, Wednesday
- All Day Basic Meditation Fall Workshop. Champlain College, Burlington.
- 12 – 1pm, March on ICE! / Marcha contra la Migra!
Migrant Justice / Justicia Migrante 179 S. Winooski Ave, to 11 Elmwood Ave, Federal Building Burlington6-8pm Bennington RAD Organizing Team meeting, 423 Main St, Bennington.
- 6-8pm Families United. The Root Social Justice Center, Brattleboro.
- 6-8pm Interrupting Hate & Addressing Unintentional Bias. Unitarian Church Of Montpelier
- 6:30-7:30pm Book Discussion: In My Father’s House by Ernest J. Gaines. South Burlington Public Library, located in University Mall, South Burlington.
- 7-8:30pm 350VT Meeting. 115 Hillside St, Bennington.
November 15, Thursday
- All Day, Choosing Equity: Advancing Policies that Help All Kids Thrive – Voices for Vermont’s Children at Topnotch Resort
- 11:30am-1pm, Vigil at TDBank in Woodstock, just off Main Street (Rt. 4) at 21 Elm Street
- 6:30-9pm, Transgender Day of Rememberance, UU Church, 152 Pearl St, Burlington
- 7:30-9pm, Transgender Day of Resilience, Outright VT, 241 N Winooski Ave, Burlington
- 6 – 8pm, POC in VT Affinity Group
November 16, Friday
- All day, Vermont Humanities Fall Conference2018–The Ebb and Flow of Optimism Through American History at Dudley H. Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington
- All day, War Tax Resisters Conference. Woolman Hill Retreat Center, 107 Keets Rd, Deerfield, MA
- 7:30-9pm, Racist Ideas in America: From Slavery to Black Lives Matter, Ira Allen Chapel, University of Vermont, Burlington
November 17, Saturday
- 10am-12pm, Champlain Valley Amnesty International Monthly Meeting, Brownell Library, Essex Junction
- 10am-12pm, Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace, Chapter 57 Monthly meeting at Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier
- 5:30-9pm, Families Belong Together, No Borders, No Wall Harvest Supper Fundraiser, Montpelier UU Church, 130 Main St, Montpelier
- 7-9:30pm, The Greatest Silence: Rape In Congo Film Screening, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, 60 Lake St, Burlington
November 18, Sunday
- 1-3:30pm, Common Ground for Climate Action
- 7-8:30pm, Central VT Climate Action meets at the Montpelier UU Church, 130 Main St, Montpelier
November 19, Monday
November 20, Tuesday
- 6-8pm, Burlington 350VT node meeting, 350VT Office, 22 Church St, Burlington
- 6-8pm, Save Our Skies meets at the PJC, Burlington November 21, Wednesday
- 6-8pm, Families United, The Root Social Justice Center, Brattleboro
November 24, Saturday
- 8:30-10pm, LGBTQLOL at Higher Ground in Burlington
November 27, Tuesday
- 6 – 8pm, SURJ-BTV at the First Unitarian Universalist Society, Burlington
Please email us events for our google calendar and enews
Action Highlight: Yemen & Saudi Arabia
Noting that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen “has only worsened and our complicity become even greater” since the Senate voted in March to block a resolution (SJ Res. 54)-introduced by Sanders, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)-to end military support for the Saudis, Sanders wrote that he will bring the measure back to the floor next month.
“I very much hope that Congress will act, that we will finally take seriously our congressional duty, end our support for the carnage in Yemen, and send the message that human lives are worth more than profits for arms manufacturers.” – Sen. Sanders in NYT op-ed. Sen. Sanders will be re-introducing the resolution right after Thanksgiving if not before.
Contact our elected officials to show your support of Joint Resolution 54 which demands an end to US complicity in the Saudi war on Yemen. A similar joint resolution is being introduced by Rep. Ro Khanna in the House, so Welch should also be called about this as well. Click here for further information.
- Call Senator Sanders to let him know that you support his efforts to bring back the resolution: (202) 224-5141.
- Call Senator Leahy urging him to also support and vote for this same joint resolution: (202) 224-4242.
- A similar joint resolution is being introduced by Rep. Ro Khanna in the House, so Rep. Welch should be called and asked to work with her or at least support what she brings forward: (202) 225-4115.