Chocolate for kids made by child slaves? Please avoid it!
PJC Educational Programs & Events
Cocoa Campaign Satuday, October 6, 2-3pm at the PJC. This event focuses on the issue of child slavery and human trafficking in the cocoa industry. Come early for our Volunteer Orientation. FREE.
Montpelier. This program strives to give participants the opportunity to build skills and knowledge to engage in conversations about oppression. Participants are expected to attend all three sessions. Sliding scale fee- no one turned away for lack of funds. Register here.
Sunday, October 21, 3:30-5:00pm, PJC. Hear updates of our work, share your ideas, vote for Board of Directors. Open to the public. Refreshments served.
Cocoa Campaign for Kids!Sunday, October 27, 2-3:00pm, PJC. Join us for games and activities that teach about issues of exploitation and wealth distribution within the cocoa supply chain. Games are designed to engage people ages 6 and up. Arrive at 1:30pm for our PJC New Volunteer Orientation. FREE.
A Well for Kunsi Keya Tamakoce
Help PJC board member Beverly Little Thunder raise funds to build a well for her nonprofit Kunsi Keya Tamakoce (Grandmother Turtle Land). With decreasing snow packs and summertime drought, the organization will be entirely without water if a new well is not drilled by the first freeze at the end of October. Help ensure the future of their summer Women’s Sundance Gathering by making a donation here.
Absolute Submission: Palestinian Children in Israeli Military Detention -Mark Hage,
Absolute submission to Israeli authority is required of every Palestinian under military occupation.
When past lessons in submission fail to induce acceptable levels of obedience, fear and collaboration, then these lessons must be relearned to please those in power. Israel’s military courts and prison system are key disciplinary mechanisms in this regard, especially for children.
automatically prosecutes children in military court
Each year between 500-700 Palestinian juveniles are tried in such courts.
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Center Hours
Monday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Store Hours
Monday-Saturday: 10am-6pm.
Sunday: 10am-5pm
Hours are subject to change. Call(802) 863-2345 x2 to confirm.
60 Lake Street, Suite 1C
Burlington’s Waterfront.
(Next to Skinny Pancake)
Pick up a voucher for this show at PJC and pay $2 cash at the door. For current PJC members and volunteers. For information on membership click here. Come to the Peace & Justice Store to pick up your voucher. Limited supply!
Friday Oct. 5 at 10am and Saturday Oct. 6 at 8pm
 In 1970, writer James Baldwin and anthropologist Margaret Mead recorded a conversation on the defining subject of the American experience: race.
Spectrum explores these singular 20th century thinkers to inform the current conversation around racial and cultural equity. Spectrum is composed of artists from diverse backgrounds and makes world-class dance accessible to all audiences.

October 8 marks Indigenous Peoples Day. This day has begun to be more widely recognized across the country as a deserving replacement of Columbus Day. Although there is some push back, many Americans have started to realize that U.S history and Christopher Columbus’ legacy are ones of racism and oppression that should not be celebrated.
This clip from NPR dives into the importance of celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day. You can also check out this list of 20 Native American Authors You Need to Read to find works by Indigenous authors to add to your reading list. |
From the Blog: Fair Trade and Racism
By McKenzie Imhoff, PJC Racial Justice intern
Map showing the global south (red) and the global north (blue)
Race has been used to justify exploitation since the beginning of colonization. From the Transatlantic Triangular Trade to Spanish conquistadors to the British East India Company, Europeans have repeatedly conquered and taken advantage of people and resources in the Global South. Whiteness, that is, has historically been used as a means for validating the prosperity and domination of European elites at the expense of everybody else. Hence, the history of imperialism is the history of race.
Chocolate for Kids Made by Child Slaves?
Halloween is right around the corner and that means millions of people will be out buying chocolate for their trick-or-treaters. Many chocolate companies are known to treat farmers unfairly, use child and slave labor, and value profits over people and the environment.
Halloween can be scary, but your chocolate does not have to be! Buy Fair Trade chocolate knowing that it was made sustainably and with the farmers’ best interest in mind. Don’t buy chocolate made by children to give out to children.
The Peace and Justice Center has a variety of delicious, Fair Trade chocolate products for all your Halloween needs! We also have a couple of chocolate-related events: Cocoa Campaign on October 6 and Cocoa Campaign for Kids on October 27!
This is a partial listing. See more in our public
October 2, Tuesday
- 6-8pm 350VT meeting, 22 Church St, Burlington.
- 6-8pm Save Our Skies at PJC, Burlington.
- 6:30-8:30pm 40 Days of Fire: Racial Justice Community Organizing. Ruach haMaqom,168 Archibald St, Burlington.
- 7-9pm You can Call It Apartheid: the challenges facing the Palestinians under Israeli Occupation. SpeakerNoura Erakat. McCarthy Arts Center, St Michael’s College, Colchester.
October 3, Wednesday
- 6-8pm RAD Organizing Team meeting. 423 Main St, Bennington.
- 6-8pm Families United. The Root Social Justice Center, Brattleboro.
October 4, Thursday
- 6-8pm 40 Days of Fire: Racial Justice Community Organizing. Fenn House, Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, Middlebury.
- 6-8pm BLM White Caucus for Collective Liberation at PJC, Burlington.
- 7-9pm Kane Smego poet and Hip Hop Artist, educator, and National Poetry Slam finalist. McCarthy Arts Center, St Michael’s College, Colchester.
October 5, Friday
- 6:30-8:30pm Poetry Slam with Kane Smego. Poet’s Café (Roy Room), Dion Student Center, St Michael’s College, Colchester.
- 7:30 Border of Lights vigil at Middlebury College commemorating the October 1937 massacre of Haitians and Dominicans.
October 6, Saturday
- 10am-12pm Caroline Fund Pro Se Legal Clinic. Lawline of Vermont, Burlington. Every Saturday.
October 7, Sunday
- 2-4pm Voices Across the Divide, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington. A film by Alice Rothschild, daughter of Holocaust survivors who gradually became aware of another narrative: the Palestinian Nakba.
October 8, Monday
- 6-7:30pm Vermonters for Justice in Palestine (VTJP) meeting at PJC, Burlington.
- 7-8:30pm 350VT meeting, 22 Church St, Burlington.
October 9, Tuesday
- 6-8pm 40 Days of Fire: Racial Justice Community Organizing. St Norbert’s Catholic Church, Hardwick.
- 6-8pm Save Our Skies meeting at PJC, Burlington.
October 10, Wednesday
- 6-8pm Families United. The Root Social Justice Center, Brattleboro.
- 7-9pm Danny Katch: Author, comedian and socialist. 210 Lafayette Hall, UVM, Burlington.
- 7-8:30pm 350VT Local Group meeting, 115 Hillside St, Bennington.
October 11, Thursday
- 5:30-7pm WILPF meeting at PJC, Burlington.
October 13, Saturday
- Vermont Interfaith Power & Light (VTIPL) 2018 Conference: A Just Economy to Achieve Climate Goals! Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington.
- 9am-3pm Creating a Future Beyond Prisons. Woodstock Union High School.
October 14, Sunday
- 12-1pm Celebrate Saint Oscar Romero Vigil. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington.
- 2-5:30pm Soul Food Sundays. POC Gathering. The Root Social Justice Center, Brattleboro.
- 3-5pm 40 Days of Fire: Racial Justice Community Organizing. Main Street Museum, WRJ.
October 15, Monday
October 16, Tuesday
- 6-8:30pm Peace & Justice Center Board of Directorsmeeting at PJC, Burlington.
- 6-8pm 350VT node meeting, 22 Church St, Burlington.
- 7-8:30pm Champlain Area NAACP meeting. 427A Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington.
Please email us events for our google calendar and enew
Action Highlight: Say “naw” to Kavanaugh
Here are some things you can do to say “naw” to Kavanaugh:
Donate: You can donate to help cover transportation to DC and bail funds for people who are arrested to CPD Action. You can also donate through Housing Works by noting that your donation is for Kavanaugh protesters in the “this gift is in honor of…” line.
- Senator Heidi Heitkamp, Democrat North Dakota
- Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia
- Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona
- Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine
- Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska
Sign petitions: MoveOn has many Kavanaugh-related petitions that you can sign including to support Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and subpoena Mark Judge to testify at Kavanaugh hearing.