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Opportunities |
Call for AASHE Webinar Proposals |
Proposals for AASHE webinars in 2019 are being accepted through Nov. 2. Proposals can be suitable for any level and on any topic relevant to AASHE’s diverse membership. AASHE staff will provide guidance on how to prepare presentation slides and training on the webinar platform, and will share best practices for presenting a webinar.
2018-2019 International Green Gown Awards |
The International Green Gown Awards recognize exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges. Supported by U.N. Environment and the Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability, the program is open to any university or college, except where there is an existing Green Gown Awards program. The deadline to apply is Jan. 1, 2019.
PepsiCo Recycling Zero Impact Funding |
Through the Zero Impact Fund, schools can submit ideas to accomplish their environmental, economic and social goals, with winning applications receiving up to $10,000 each from PepsiCo Recycling. The deadline to submit for funding is on or before Dec. 21.
Call for Contributions: UNESCO Position Paper on the Future of Education for Sustainable Development |
UNESCO has prepared a position paper that reflects on the increasing importance of Education for Sustainable Development as an integral element of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on quality education and a key enabler of all the other SDGs, and proposes a strategy for 2020-2030. UNESCO invites review and commenting of the draft by completing the online comment sheet by Nov. 9. The final draft of the paper will be submitted in 2019 to the governing bodies of UNESCO and the U.N. General Assembly for their approval. Once approved, it will be summarized into a program and launched in 2020 for implementation.
Request for Proposals: Collegiate Wind Competition 2020 |
The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory has issued a request for proposals to colleges and universities interested in participating in the 2020 Collegiate Wind Competition. The organizers will select 10 to 12 teams of students to compete in the challenge. The deadline to apply is Nov. 30.
New Resources |
New Book: Sustainability, Human Well-Being, and the Future of Education |
This open access book explores the key dimensions of a future education system designed to enable individuals, schools and communities to achieve the twenty-first century challenges of sustainability and human well-being in the face of volatility and uncertainty caused by digitalization, globalization and climate change. Using case studies drawn from Finland and the U.S., chapter authors explore various aspects of learning and education system design through the lenses of sustainability and human well-being to evaluate how our understanding and practice of education must transform.
Divest Ed Program |
Divest Ed is a new training and strategy hub for the national coordination of campus divestment campaigns. The program will provide leadership development and resources to divestment campaigns across the U.S.
Golden Door Scholarship Program |
Golden Door Scholars is a nonprofit that provides large college scholarships to high-performing DACA students. This year the program will award up to 50 scholarships to DACA students across the country who are starting or continuing college in fall 2019. Eligible students may be currently enrolled in college pursuing an undergraduate degree, high school seniors or recent high school graduates. The deadline to apply is Oct. 25.