USCRI Vermont Current Volunteer Needs


Dear Friends,


We have many wonderful ways to get involved with the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants 


  1. Assisting with food at opening reception for Visions of the World art show at the Amy Tarrant Gallery on 9/15/18 from 1:30-4:30
  2. Weekly volunteering at BHS and/or WHS at the Multicultural Help Desk (Homework help, etc…)
  3. Interning for the Fall Semester
  4. Assisting with Talent Show proposed for December 1st (email Allison for more info)
  5. Measuring kids height, weight and shoe size (at their homes)
  6. Sorting children’s clothing and making packages of complete wardrobes for specific children (in the office)
  7. Delivering children’s clothing
  8. Taking children clothes and/or shoe shopping (sponsors sent gift cards and/or cash)
  9. Sorting general donations (mattresses and home goods room)


We look forward to hearing from you.


Laurie and Allison