PJC Educational Programs and Events
PJC Game Night Tuesday, November 14, 4-5pm, PJC. Play modified versions of Jenga, Jeopardy, and BINGO to learn about the military industrial complex. FREE
Center Hours
Monday–Friday: 10am-6pm
New Store Hours
Monday–Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 9am-4pm
Grab a bite and help the PJC
What’s better than eating good food? Eating good food AND giving back at the same time!
Join us for a benefit bake at American Flatbread on November 20th. $1.75 of each small pizza and $3.50 of each large pizza will be donated to the PJC. You can make a reservation starting at 4PMby calling 802-861-2999. In the meantime, check out their menuto see all of the delicious options!
Want to see more of the Peace & Justice Center more often?
Follow us on social media to see pictures, read articles, and be in the know about what we are up to, community issues, events, and more.

Pick up a voucher for these shows at PJC and pay $2 cash at the door. For current PJC members and volunteers. For information on membership click here. Come to the Peace & Justice Store to pick up your voucher. Limited supply!
Jazzy Ash & Leaping Lizards
Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 9:30am
Jazzy Ash’s songs celebrate the magic of movement New Orleans-style, incorporating gypsy jazz, zydeco, swing, blues, and Dixieland.

Thursday, Nov. 30, 10:00am
Outside is the story of Daniel, a teen who triumphs over homophobic bullying, depression, and suicide.
Spectrum’s Multicultural Youth Program (MYP) is looking for a Program Manager. Visit their website for more information.
Senior Advisor for Strategic Diversity, Assessment & Research. Visit their website for more information.
Support the PJC when you shop online!

The PJC is grateful to be part of the Vermont Raise the Wage Coalition — a collective of activist groups working to make sure that everyday Vermonters earn a livable wage for the work that they do.
The Coalition, with Rights and Democracyat the helm, is hosting phone banking parties on November 29. Join in making calls (and enjoy a meal!) in support of a $15 an hour minimum wage. There will be one in Burlington from 5:00-9:00pm and one in Montpelier from 5:30-7:30pm.
There will be a presentation on the Raise the Wage efforts followed by a phone banking party on December 12, 4-6:00 at the PJC in Burlington. Please RSVP to program@pjcvt.org.
To learn more about this effort, you can read this fact sheet and you can follow Vermont Raise the Wage on Facebook to stay up to date on the fight for a livable wage.
From the Blog: Empowering Women in Bulgaria to be Agents for Peace |
by Marina Kisyova, PJC Fellow
The girls in a village in South Western Bulgaria receive certificates upon completing their training
A few years ago I was invited to join an international delegation of diplomats and human rights experts as an interpreter in a Bulgarian village facing ethnic violence. I was not a professional interpreter back then, nor am I now, but given the sensitive and complex situation, all the invited professionals declined the job. What happened in that small village was an isolated case of ethnic tension between Roma and ethnic Bulgarians, but sporadic ethnic tension continues to occur throughout rural Bulgaria.
I realized that someone needed to do something about it and that it would require a careful approach that wouldn’t polarize society further. I’m convinced that education is the best long-term strategy to solving complex problems, so I started a non-profit which provides training for personal and professional development for girls and women in rural areas of Bulgaria.
If you want to hear my story of how I went from an accidental interpreter to become the founder of a non-profit that empowers girls and women, come to the Peace & Justice Center on the 1st of December at 5pm, where I will be a guest speaker at the monthly WILPF (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom) meeting.
Put the F35 on the Ballot |
Make your voice louder than the jets: help
bring the F35 fighter jet debate to the Burlington ballot in March. We need to collect thousands of signatures from registered Burlington voters to have the question on the ballot. This petition is not a vote against the jets but rather a plea to include a question on the ballot.
Click here to see the full resolution, print the petition, read the supporting facts related to the resolution, and/or register to vote.
Even if you don’t live in Burlington you can still help by asking your friends who do live in Burlington to sign it. And remember, you don’t have to live in Burlington to collect signatures!
This is a partial listing. See more events in our public calendar.
November 14, Tuesday
November 15, Wednesday
November 16, Thursday
- 9am-6:30pm Basic Meditation Fall Workshop at Champlain College, Burlington.
- 6-7:30pm Understanding habits to change ourselves and change the world. Dealer.com,
- 11:30am-1pm Vigil at TDBank, Woodstock.
- 5:30-7:30pm Mother Up! Monthly Gathering. First Unitarian Universalist Society, Burlington.
- 6:30-8:30pm Immigration Rights. Vermont Legal Aid will be hosting an information session with Susan Sussman from Senator Patrick Leahy’s office, Erin Jacobsen from the South Royalton Legal Clinic, and assistant attorney general Julio Thompson. We will discuss how Trump’s executive orders have evolved, who they apply to, and how federal judges are reacting. At the Janice Couture Community Room, Community College of VT (CCV), Winooski.
- 7-9pm Immigration Past and Future: A Panel Discussion. Jeffords Auditorium, Castleton University.
November 17, Friday
- 9am-6:30pm Basic Meditation Fall Workshop at Champlain College, Burlington.
- 5:30-7:30pm Mother Up! gathering at North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier.
November 18, Saturday
November 19, Sunday
- 1-3pm Free Legal Clinic at First Congregational Church, Burlington.
- 7-8:30pm Cental VT Climate Action meets at UU church, Montpelier.
November 20, Monday
- 5:30-11:30pm PJC Benefit Bake at American Flatbread Burlington.
- 5:30-7:30pm Joint Justice Oversight Committee meeting at the Memorial Library, Brattleboro.
November 21, Tuesday
- 7-8:30pm Champlain Area NAACP meeting, 427A Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington.
November 22, Wednesday
- 6:30-8pm 350VT meeting at The Tutorial Center, Manchester Center.
November 25, Saturday
- 11:30am-12pm New Volunteer Orientation, PJC.
November 27, Monday
- 5:30-7:30pm Mother Up! Monthly Meet-Up KidsPLAYce, Brattleboro.
- 7-8:30pm Burlington Node Mtg. 350VT office, Burlington.
November 28, Tuesday
- 6-8pm Showing Up for Racial Justice: SURJ-BTV. First Unitarian Universalist Society, Burlington.
- 6-8pm Joint Justice Oversight Committee Meeting at the Fletcher Free Library/Fletcher Room, Burlington.
November 29, Wednesday
- 6:30-8pm Earth Matters meeting. The Tutorial Center, Manchester Center.
November 30, Thursday
- 5-6pm Champlain Area NAACP needs Volunteers.
December 1, Friday
- All day: 25th Annual Vermont International Festival. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Jct.
- 5-7pm WILPF meeting with guest speaker Marina Kisyova de Geus of Bulgaria at the PJC.