Storytime Saturday:
Zip! Zoom! On a Broom and Boo! HaikuSaturday, October 28, 2017 – 11:00am to 12:00pm
Phoenix Books (map)
Enjoy your Saturday morning with City Market and Phoenix Books, and join us for our Halloween edition of Storytime! We will have a reading of the children’s books Zip! Zoom! On a Broom by Teri Sloat and Boo! Haiku by Deanna Caswell. After we read together, we will have a fun and interactive healthy food activity! This event is free and does not require pre-registration.
Healthy Halloween Snacks for Kids
Sunday, October 29, 2017
10:00am to 1:00pm
City Market Downtown (map)
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
9:30am to 11:30am
City Market Downtown (map)
Join us for a fun morning of making healthy Halloween-themed snacks! We will make pretzel & cheese broomsticks, clementine “pumpkins”, and fruit monster faces. This is a drop-in event, so no need to sign up. We’ll also have coffee and music to enjoy. Feel free to drop in for a few minutes, or stay for the morning.
The entrance for this event will be through the door just to the west of our outdoor café (near the outdoor café trash station). Look for a sandwich board and volunteer to guide you!
Herbal Consultations
Monday, October 30, 2017 – 4:00pm to 8:00pm
VCIH at Burlington Herb Clinic (map)
Have you ever been interested in using herbs to improve your health? Join the clinical interns from Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism (VCIH) for a personalized, confidential consultation, and leave with valuable information tailored to suit your specific needs. Students are supervised by professional herbalists and have already completed over 1000 hours of training. VCIH offers consultations and herbs using a sliding-scale and gift model–this means you only pay what you can, when you can. All sessions are held on the second Monday of the month at Burlington Herb Clinic and last two hours. By appointment only. Contact VCIH at or 802-244-7100.
Sliding Scale
Brio Coffeeworks:
Brew Methods Workshop
Saturday, November 4, 2017 – 10:00am to 12:00pm
Brio Coffeeworks (map)
City Market has partnered with Brio Coffeeworks to offer a special line of coffee exclusively available at City Market. Included in the City Market blends are a dark, medium, light roast and decaf. The beans are sourced from fair trade farms and roasted locally at Brio Coffeeworks’ facility on Pine Street. Come tour the coffee facility run by Nate and Magda Van Dusen and learn from them about the roasting process and the various methods of brewing coffee at home. Tyler Van Liew, Coffee Educator, will demonstrate various brew methods including a French press, chemex, pour-over, full-immersion brewers, aeropress, and espresso.
$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members

Small Scale Mushroom Cultivation
Monday, November 6, 2017 – 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Intervale Community Barn (map)
Compliment your vegetable gardening by growing fresh mushrooms. Learn the basics of cultivating several varieties of edible mushrooms including oyster, shiitake, and wine cap stropharia. Fungi promote healthy soil, increase yields of some vegetable crops, and are a delicious addition to the dinner table. This workshop will be led by Ethan Thompson, founder of Urban Homesteader VT.
$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members

The Dish: Women in the Food
Industry, A Place at the Table
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 – 5:30pm to 7:00pm
ArtsRiot (map)
Women play a crucial role in the food industry as farmers, chefs, entrepreneurs, producers, and resource providers. While progress has been made in recognition of that role and the economic and social benefits of gender diversity in the workplace, women still face barriers to entry in many fields within the food system. Join us for a conversation moderated by Change the Story, a statewide initiative focused on “[aligning] policy, program, and philanthropy to significantly improve women’s economic status in Vermont” as we explore the challenges and successes experienced by women in the industry here in our state. We will hear from these leaders in their fields about the trends they see in the industry’s approach to female leadership, how Vermont compares to other areas in the country in terms of gender equity, and how they found “a place at the table” in these typically male-dominated fields.
Brought to you by City Market and the Intervale Center with special thanks to ArtsRiot.FREE! $5 suggested donation to benefit the Intervale Center.

Pennywise Pantry
Thursday, November 9, 2017 – 6:30pm to 7:30pm
City Market Downtown (map)
With this interactive and hands-on tour, participants will learn how to shop for affordable, fresh, long-lasting, and nutritious foods at City Market. We will begin by exploring the Produce and Bulk departments, learning a simple method for finding the best value on fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans by paying attention to the price per pound. Then we will enter the Grocery aisles and Perishables coolers, to learn to become savvy label readers as we shop for nourishing, long-lasting foods that contain 5 ingredients or fewer. No matter what kind of diet you follow, these pennywise tools will help you stock your kitchen with a variety of healthy, local, and even organic foods and develop a better understanding of Co-op sales.
If the date and time above doesn’t work for your schedule, or if you would feel more comfortable with a one-on-one individualized tour, please contact our Outreach and Education Coordinator, Meredith Knowles, at or 802-861-9757.

Storytime Saturday:
I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato
Saturday, November 11, 2017 – 11:00am to 12:00pm
Phoenix Books (map)
Enjoy your Saturday morning with City Market and Phoenix Books, and join us for a reading of the children’s book I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child. After we read together, we will have a fun and interactive healthy food activity! This event is free and does not require pre-registration.
Herbal Consultations
Monday, November 13, 2017 – 4:00pm to 6:00pm
VCIH at Burlington Herb Clinic (map)
Have you ever been interested in using herbs to improve your health? Join the clinical interns from Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism (VCIH) for a personalized, confidential consultation, and leave with valuable information tailored to suit your specific needs. Students are supervised by professional herbalists and have already completed over 1000 hours of training. VCIH offers consultations and herbs using a sliding-scale and gift model–this means you only pay what you can, when you can. All sessions are held on the second Monday of the month at Burlington Herb Clinic and last two hours. By appointment only. Contact VCIH at or 802-244-7100.
Sliding Scale
Conscious Kitchen:
Soak, Sour, & Sprout
Wednesday, November 15, 2017 – 6:00pm to 7:30pm
City Market Downtown (map)
Why does soaking, sprouting and/or souring foods like legumes, nuts, seeds and grains matter? Because these processes makes them easier to digest and more nutritious for the body. In this workshop, we will learn what the difference is between souring, soaking and sprouting and how to practice each in your daily lives in addition to other benefits. We will explore some simple recipes that incorporate these techniques and how they impact the flavor profile and way the food feels in the body. This workshop includes live demonstrations, tastings and take home recipes and will be taught by Candace Taylor MEd., Yoga Teacher, Doula, Ancestral Chef and Holistic Health Coach.
$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members

Kids’ Cupcake Decorating
Sunday, November 19, 2017 – 11:00am to 1:00pm
City Market Downtown (map)
Join us for a fun morning of cupcake-decorating! We will have house-made, fall-flavored cupcakes and homemade frosting available for kids of all ages. This is a drop-in event, so no need to sign up. We’ll also have coffee and music to enjoy. Feel free to drop in for a few minutes, or stay for the morning.
The entrance for this event will be through the door just to the west of our outdoor café (near the outdoor café trash station). Look for a sandwich board and volunteer to guide you!
Cooking Oils: How to Choose and Use the Healthiest Oils
Wednesday, November 29, 2017 – 6:00pm to 7:00pm
City Market Downtown (map)
This class will demystify the complicated world of cooking oils. When are you supposed to use walnut or avocado oil instead of olive oil or canola? What does cold-pressed mean? And what’s the deal with smoke point? We’ll go over the different nutritional profiles of cooking oils, how to select the healthiest oils and when to use them in the kitchen. This class will be taught by Kerri-Ann Jennings, a registered dietitian who has taught nutrition and cooking classes for over 10 years. This class will be presented demonstration-style and will include samples.
$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members

Check out more upcoming classes and events on our website. |