On Saturday, November 19th the Energy Independent Vermont campaign is bringing together our friends, supporters, activists and allies from all over the state for a day-long Climate Solutions Summit in Burlington.This event will serve as the kickoff for the next major stage in this campaign — our push to convince our newly elected leaders in the Vermont State House move forward on the most effective policy tool we have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a clean, sustainable, local economy — a price on carbon pollution.
We’ll be bringing in a number of fantastic speakers from across Vermont and possibly beyond — to give our campaign the tools and motivation we need to take things to the next level.
There will be a variety of workshops, brainstorming sessions and networking opportunities. So whether you’re new to the campaign or a veteran who’s looking to connect with other supporters and share your own ideas, this should be a great event.
And it’s completely free! All you have to do to reserve a spot is register online.
Click the button below to access the registration page – it only takes a few seconds to sign up!