Make Your Own Sauerkraut
Thursday, September 1, 2016 – 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Intervale Center (map)
Head down to the Intervale Center every Thursday in July and August for Summervale: a celebration of farms, local food, family, and friends! You’ll find amazing local food vendors, live music, tastings by Slow Food Vermont, kids activities, and more! Each week, City Market will be there with fun hands-on activities for all ages. This week, learn the art of fermentation and make your own jar of sauerkraut!
For kids: Join the City Market Kids Club! Stop by our activity booth to pick-up a Summervale Explorer Card, then get it punched each week when you visit. Get your card punched at 5 out of 8 Summervales and you’ll be entered in our prize drawing: a $25 gift card to City Market! Open to kids 13 and under.
Herbal Consultations
Monday, September 5, 12 & 19 2016 – 4:00pm to 8:00pm
VCIH at Burlington Herb Clinic (map)
Have you ever been interested in using herbs to improve your health? Join the clinical interns from Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism (VCIH) for a personalized, confidential consultation, and leave with valuable information tailored to suit your specific needs. Students are supervised by professional herbalists and have already completed over 1000 hours of training. VCIH offers consultations and herbs using a sliding-scale and gift model–this means you only pay what you can, when you can. All sessions are held on Mondays and last two hours. By appointment only. Contact VCIH at info@vtherbcenter.org or 802-244-7100.
Please note: Consultations offered by VCIH will now be hosted at the Burlington Herb Clinic, located at Railyard Apothecary, 280 Battery Street. Please sign up directly through VCIH.
Sliding Scale
Pennywise Pantry
Monday, September 5, 2016 – 6:30pm to 7:30pm
City Market (map)
With this interactive and hands-on tour, participants will learn how to shop for affordable, fresh, long-lasting, and nutritious foods at City Market. We will begin by exploring the Produce and Bulk departments, learning a simple method for finding the best value on fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans by paying attention to the price per pound. Then we will enter the Grocery aisles and Perishables coolers, to learn to become savvy label readers as we shop for nourishing, long-lasting foods that contain 5 ingredients or fewer. No matter what kind of diet you follow, these pennywise tools will help you stock your kitchen with variety of healthy, local, and even organic foods and develop a better understanding of Co-op sales.
If the date and time above don’t work for your schedule, or if you would feel more comfortable with a one-on-one individualized tour, please contact our Outreach and Education Coordinator, Meredith Knowles, atmknowles@citymarket.coop or 802-861-9757.

The Power of Prebiotics and Probiotics
Thursday, September 8, 2016 – 6:00pm to 7:30pm
City Market (map)
Probiotics, whether in the form of manufactured supplements or fermented foods, are increasingly recognized as beneficial additions to a balanced diet. What exactly are probiotics though, and how do they differ from prebiotics, which is another term we’re starting to hear more regularly? Join Dr. Eric Garza, a food systems instructor at the University of Vermont and local health and wellness enthusiast, for a talk that will explore the differences between probiotics and prebiotics and the benefits of both. This will be an interactive talk, so questions are encouraged.
$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members

Crop Mob with
Intervale Community Farm
Saturday, September 17, 2016 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Burlington’s Intervale (map)
Join us for a volunteer work party at Intervale Community Farm in Burlington’s Intervale (a fellow cooperative business)! We will help Andy and his crew harvest a fall bounty of squashes and root crops. Please come prepared for the weather with appropriate layers, sturdy shoes, work gloves, and water. Light snacks will be provided. City Market Member Workers can earn hours for their time.
Note: In the event of bad weather, this work day will be postponed to Sunday, September 18. We will do our best to notify you as early as possible.
Questions? Please contact Sarah at sbhimani@citymarket.coop or 802-861-9753.

Intro to Baking with Natural Sourdough
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 – 6:00pm to 7:30pm
City Market (map)
Discover the joys of baking with sourdough bread starter. You will learn how versatile (and forgiving) this living organism is and how you can put it to work in your favorite bread recipe. You can even use it for pastries! We will see the different stages of a starter, learn when it’s ripe and ready, and taste freshly baked slices of several varieties of sourdough bread. There will be plenty of time for discussion and questions, and every participant will go home with a starter culture to start his or her very own sourdough for home baking. Heike Meyer is the owner of Brotbakery (formerly known as Bee Sting Bakery) in Fairfax, a small artisan bakery specializing in whole grain naturally leavened breads and pastries.
$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members

14th Annual Co-op Food Fest
Sunday, September 25, 2016 – 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Union Station at 1 Main Street (map)
Meet over four dozen local producers and sample their delicious products! Door prizes, face painting, and live music provide a fun atmosphere for meeting your local farmers and producers and learning where your food comes from.
Learn more
Cooking with Indian Spices: Turmeric
Thursday, September 29, 2016 – 5:30pm to 7:30pm
McClure Multigenerational Center (map)
Spice it up! This demo-style class is all about using spices in the kitchen for delicious taste and nutrition. Participants will learn that cooking with spices in Indian cuisine can be quite simple with delicious and healthy results. During the class we will go over benefits of spices and how they aid in our digestion. We will also learn how recipes don’t have to be time consuming to offer health benefits. Akshata Nayak MSACN, MS is a Clinical Nutritionist who practices at Alternative Roots Wellness Center in Essex Junction.
$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members

Register for classes online! It’s easy and convenient. Just click the Sign-Up button below each class.
Prefer to pay by cash or check? Stop by our Customer Service desk.
Instore Tours
Want to learn how to shop at the Co-op and find ways to save money?
Not comfortable signing up for a group Pennywise Pantry tour?
We’re happy to offer one-on-one tours with our Outreach and Education Coordinator to help you feel more comfortable at the
Mentoring pairs can sign-up to take City Market’s food and herbal education classes for free! To find out how, please contact Sarah: sbhimani@citymarket.coopor 861-9753.
Stay up to date with news, information, giveaways, and fun content from your Co-op by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and our other social networks.