Spring internship opportunity – Visual Information Assistant – w. Natural Resources Conservation Service (VT)

Internship Title: Visual Information Assistant 

Internship Site: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Office, Colchester, VT and offsite at location to be determined by student 

Description: The Visual Information Assistant will work with the NRCS VT State Public Affairs Officer to plan, design, write, and finalize promotional materials that relay the mission, programs, and services of USDA NRCS in Vermont, through a variety of communication tools to include brochures, info-graphics, displays, fact sheets, etc.

Desired qualifications/skills/coursework:

The student would have access to and skill in the use of graphic design software, equipment and programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, for example) and would have experience with designing products including brochures, fact sheets, annual reports, and other communication materials which aesthetically, accurately, and concisely reflect the mission, programs, services, and goals of conservation/natural resources protection. The student applicant should have some coursework in graphic design and also provide samples of previously completed design work. The student should also have outstanding written and oral communication skills. The student should be able to work independently, with much of the assigned work being completed offsite (not in the NRCS office) and should maintain regular contact and communication with the intern supervisor.


The VT NRCS Public Information Officer would serve as the supervisor

Start and End Dates:  January-May 2016

Estimated hours per week: approximately 10 hours per week

Compensation:  Unpaid, intern eligible to earn internship credit

How to apply:  Submit a cover letter, resume, and at least one letter of reference to Amy Overstreet, USDA-NRCS, 356 Mountain View Drive, Suite 105, Colchester, VT, 05446, or email to amy.overstreet@vt.usda.gov byDecember 3, 2015.