The Champlain College Apiary is pleased to report another great season with the bees. This summer we:
1. Installed a viewing window and interpretive sign on the apiary fence, so you can go visit the bees with classes or on your own any time. Thank you to the Green Revolving Fund for sponsor
ing this project and to Cody Mannigan and Matt Sacco for designing and composing the sign.
2. Received a grant from the New England Grassroots Environmental Fund to purchase children’s bee suits to expand our outreach opportunities to pre-K and elementary school children.
3. Produced 300 pounds of honey that has bottled by student volunteers and is ready to be enjoyed. Please help support our hard-working bees-in-residence by purchasing honey at our website:
Also, look for our “pop-up” table in the atrium of IDX on Thursdays or Fridays from 12-1:30 to pick-up or place orders.
And don’t miss our special holiday pricing for multiple jars:
2.25 fl oz jars for $3 OR purchase 2 for $5
5.5 fl oz jars for $6 OR purchase 2 for $10
8.0 fl oz jars for $9 OR purchase 2 for $15
This year’s harvest is as delicious as ever and makes the perfect holiday gift.
Many thanks for your support!