The Community and Economic Development Office is currently recruiting new members for the We All Belong AmeriCorps State Program. Please forward this information to interested parties in your network.
The We All Belong AmeriCorps* State Program is hosted by the City of Burlington’s Community and Economic Development Office Program. The program is made possible by a grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service.
We are now hiring for Burlington-area Social Justice AmeriCorps Positions.
The We All Belong Program is currently hiring individuals who are committed to social justice to serve as an AmeriCorps member. We are seeking individuals who are excellent communicators and can work across cultures to support diversity and equity work in Burlington area non-profits, schools and city departments.
Alums of the program report this is an intensive personal development opportunity with significant professional skill development. Serve your community locally!
Full position descriptions are also available online – all positions open until filled.
Currently Recruiting:
City of Burlington Department of Parks, Recreation and Waterfront
Diversity, Accessibility, and Outreach Coordinator
Part Time Position
The Diversity, Accessibility and Outreach Coordinator will support the BPRW garden program, strengthening accessing and developing stronger relationships between program leaders and participants. The Coordinator will improve community relationships and assist in the development of a more inclusive service delivery model for the Burlington Area Community Garden (BACG) program.
Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services Accessibility & Outreach Coordinator
Full Time Position
Support Vermont’s ability to serve victims of crime by serving at the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services (VCCVS). VCCVS continues to explore how to deliver more culturally competent and accessible services to victims of crime. The AmeriCorps member will focus internal and external on this effort. Internally they will assess programs, policies, and practices to identify areas to strengthen. The member will share resources and training for staff to support staff explore racial equity, cultural competency, diversity and access for people with disabilities. Externally, the member will coordinate community outreach to underserved communities, particularly to ethnic/racial minorities, those with Limited English Proficiency and people with disabilities and vulnerable adults.. The ideal candidate will have experience working across cultures and difference. They will be a systems thinker, organized, and a good communicator. This position is based in Waterbury, Vermont and will need a vehicle to travel to outreach events.
HOPE Works Prevention Educator and Outreach Worker
Full Time Position
Our AmeriCorps member will engage in prevention education, community training, outreach to special populations, and direct services through our hotline, in addition to supporting the organization’s cultural competency program.
Burlington School District (BSDVT)
Part Time Position
The Burlington School District is actively working to create an environment where all children can thrive. In 2012, BSDVT completed its Equity and Inclusion report that identified persistent achievement gaps, based on race, class and other identities. The Burlington School District values the service of AmeriCorps members to support its innovative equity and diversity practices.
Equity Data Report and Curriculum Support Specialist Half Time Position
This AmeriCorps member will be part of the Diversity, Equity and Community Programs office. They will assist the Director of Diversity Education and Engagement with the annual review of student achievement and identify actions for the district. The member will serve in a coordinating role for the Equity Data Report advisory committee to track data and create an annual Equity and Inclusion Report and support training and capacity building for district equity and diversity initiatives
Restorative Justice Specialist
Part Time Position
The Burlington School District is currently exploring its approaches to behavior and discipline, particularly with regard to equity in outcomes. This member would serve at the Burlington High School and support research and implementation around restorative justice practices and support research and implementation of district policies and practices around bullying hazing and harassment
AmeriCorps members serve full time, 1700 hours, earning a living stipend of up to $12,530, an education award of $6,641, and health coverage. Half Time AmeriCorps positions are 900 hours of service from September 2015 thru August 2016. Member benefits include a $6,641 living allowance and a $2,865 Education Award (upon successful completion of service) that may be used for qualified educational expenses or payment of qualifying student loans.
To apply:
For more information about positions or benefits go to:
Send a resume, cover letter and two (2) references as one PDF document with email subject line listing the position title All positions open until filled.More AmeriCorps positions coming soon. Keep checking with CEDO online!

We All Belong AmeriCorps Program
hosted by the City of Burlington’s Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO)