AASHE Opens Call for Governance Positions
We are seeking applications for volunteer governance opportunities with the AASHE Board of Directors, the AASHE Advisory Council, the STARS Steering Committee and the STARS Technical Advisors.
Applications are due by Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
As previously shared with AASHE members, a portion of the board will be elected directly by the membership. This change to the governance structure is in direct response to member feedback. Once applications are received, the Nominations and Elections Task Force will present a slate of candidates to the primary membership contact for voting. Please find and review your institution’s or organization’s primary contact. Changes or questions can be sent to membership@aashe.org.
AASHE 2015 Staff Salaries Report Released
Positions and offices within the field of campus sustainability continue to grow and evolve according to the 2015 Salaries & Status of Sustainability Staff in Higher Education report (log-in needed) from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). The report presents results of a recent Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey and increases our understanding of the continuously growing career field of sustainability in higher education.
Conducted approximately every two years since 2008, AASHE’s sustainability staffing survey examines the nature of sustainability positions at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, providing insights into salaries, funding, supervision, job satisfaction, challenges and more. Responses to the 2015 49-question survey were collected from individuals with both broad responsibility for campus sustainability as well as those that focused on a particular area of sustainability (e.g., energy, recycling & waste, curriculum, communications & outreach).
Celebrate Sustainability This October!
Together, we can catalyze the global higher education sustainability movement! Join the online conversation by using #2015CSM.
Engaging Across Boundaries Webinar Series
Higher education is in a unique position to lead the transition to a more sustainable world. Engaging across a variety of boundaries supports this transformation beyond the traditional walls of an institution and supports them in shaping the campus and surrounding communities into sustainable societies.
Through the “ Engaging Across Boundaries” webinar series, AASHE invites campus communities to brainstorm, discuss and share resources, skills, solutions and tools for a meaningful engagement of all campus constituents.
The Power of Civic Engagement in Sustainability Webinar;
Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 3 p.m. ET
Speakers will explore civic engagement and how this can enhance learning and increase engagement in your communities.
Creating a Sustainable Future Webinar;
Tuesday, Nov. 3 at 3 p.m. ET
Speakers will explain how we can shape policies, capacity-building, youth empowerment and more to foster a sustainable future.

Welcome to our Newest Members!
Please join us in welcoming AASHE’s newest members who joined during the month of August:
Not a member? If you believe that higher education is the foundation for a thriving, equitable and ecologically healthy world, then AASHE is the association for you! AASHE is your comprehensive source of information on sustainability in higher education. We provide administrators, faculty, operations staff, students and other campus stakeholders with the tools, information and guidance needed to lead the sustainability transformation.

Congratulations STARS Participants!
We are thrilled to announce four institutions who submitted a STARS report during the month of August. Congratulations:
University of British Columbia, STARS Gold
Aquinas College, STARS Silver
University of Texas – Pan American, STARS Silver
- University of Alaska – Anchorage, STARS Reporter
AASHE’s STARS program recognizes and shares your achievements and outstanding efforts in advancing campus sustainability.
An Exciting New Credit Type Planned for STARS 2.1
The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) Steering Committee recently approved a new type of optional credit called Exemplary Practice credits. These credits will cover a number of exemplary practices and initiatives that are not currently recognized in STARS.
AASHE Conference & Expo Events
AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo in Minneapolis
Oct. 25 – Oct. 28; All day
This annual conference, themed Transforming Sustainability Education, will bring together more than 2,000 like-minded higher education sustainability professionals to attend a variety of sessions and workshops that will expand your sustainability toolbox.
Teaching Sustainability in Place: A Workshop and Field Experience at the University of Minnesota’s Cedar Creek Ecosystem Reserve
Oct. 28; 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CT
Since an understanding of ecology underlies any notion of sustainability, teaching about sustainability means teaching fundamental ecology. This workshop will provide tools, approaches and a model for introducing ecology into any sustainability class or program.
Large-scale Renewable Energy Workshop
Oct. 25; 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. CT
Learn how colleges and universities are maximizing on-site renewable energy and directly sourcing renewable energy from off-campus projects; lowering their energy costs, reducing energy price risk, and addressing their largest GHG sources. This workshop will help you accomplish your climate and financial goals through large-scale renewable energy procurement.
Minnesota Whirlwind Low-Carbon Energy and Ag Overnight Tour
Oct. 27 – 28; 5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. CT
This overnight tour is a unique opportunity to see the integration of multiple renewable energy technologies in one location and to learn how these systems complement each other in interesting ways.
Custom Brewery Tour with Taste Twin Cities
Oct. 24; 3:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. CT
Join us for a behind the scenes insight into Minneapolis’s local beers and what local breweries looks, sound and smells like. This tour is great for visitors as well as locals that wants to try that new craft brewery down the street.
Sustainability: The Journal of Record Releases Latest Edition
The August 2015 edition of Sustainability: The Journal of Record includes an interview with Green Seal’s board of director’s chair, Joanne Fox-Przeworski, a review of non-major sustainability programs in North America and a case study about lessons learned from a reciprocal agricultural sustainability degree program in Indonesia and Japan.
Sustainability: The Journal of Record is this year’s media sponsor for the AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo.
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