We want to remind you of the upcoming learning opportunity provided by the David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry:
AI Introductory Workshop (March 27, 9:00 – 11:00 am at Lakeside)
We know many of you are still curious as to what AI is all about and how it can be used in different ways in organizations. As such, we are holding monthly introductory workshops open to the campus and local community. These are scheduled for the last Friday each month from 9:00 – 11:00 am in Lakeside room 101. Please reserve your spot in the event link above. Space in each workshop is limited, but the sessions will run each month! Feel free to share the evite for this event with other external community members outside of Champlain who may be interested as well.
AI Learning Lab- “Positivity vs. Generativity” (April 3, 12:00 – 1:00 pm at Lakeside)
Our Learning Labs are drop-in learning opportunities where faculty and staff can collaboratively explore ways to use AI methodologies in their professional lives. These sessions are open to anyone at Champlain (faculty or staff) and are aimed at being collaborative dialogues for exploring specific applications of AI in organizational life. This month we will continue our exploration of AI and how to bring it into our daily work by exploring the difference between “positivity” and “generativity”. AI is often mis-construed as only focusing on “positive stuff,” but as Gervase Bushe and others have pointed out (see: https://www.gervasebushe.ca/AI_pos.pdf) AI is really about generativity, not just positivity. So, we will explore the question: What does it look like to be generative in our conversations and interactions with others (co-workers, students, staff, etc.)? We hope you will join us for this brown bag dialogue!
“Every Inquiry CAN be an Appreciative Inquiry if…” with Dr. David Bright, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Organization Development at the Raj Soin College of Business, Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.

April 10, 12:00 – 1:30 pm in Aiken Hall, Morgan Room
FREE LUNCH will be provided to all attendees!
This session will explore the fundamental meaning of “appreciation” and the implications for research and practice if we push our understanding of its properties. Dr. Bright suggests that ANY inquiry-based change methodology becomes an appreciative inquiry if it stimulates these effects. This view moves us toward a more expansive perspective on the practices that might be included in the AI repertoire. Further, it enables the practitioner to be more responsive and mindful to the context within which AI is practiced. To foster a dialogue on these thoughts, the presenter will share and solicit stories of practicing AI in counter-intuitive situations.
This event is open to the campus, community and beyond! Space is limited, so all attendees must register at the given link.
We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming events!
Courtesy of Alyssa Doyle, Sr. Administrative Assistant | David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry
Robert P. Stiller School of Business | Champlain College
Robert P. Stiller School of Business | Champlain College