Re-Post from New England Grassroots Environment Fund:
Register by March 31 to help us plan delicious local meals, comfortable accommodations, engaging workshop spaces and rocking entertainment! Scholarships are available and we will help with carpools to get to southeast Mass.
Need more reasons for you and your fellow group members to register today and join us on April 10 & 11 at RootSkills 2015 in New Bedford (MA)? Here you go:
#1. Saturday Daylong Workshop sessions
Facilitated by people with tremendous experience and understanding for the unique challenges of local volunteer work, choose from 4 interactive daylong tracks:
1) Participatory Leadership – Working Together for Community Solutions;
2) Group Governance, Structure & Fundraising – Key Building Blocks for Long-term Work;
3) Building a Stronger Cross-class, Multiracial Grassroots Movement; and
4) Personal Leadership – Working for Change from the Inside Out.
#2. We put the TREAT in retreat!
We aim to bring in delectable local food (as much as we can mid-April!), an excellent Friday community organizing clinic led by our friends at Toxics Action Center, a great Friday evening program full of inspiration and spoken word artistry, comfortable overnight accommodations, a Saturday morning early-bird workshop on herbal and nutritional strategies to sustain ourselves as resilient leaders, oh, and did we mention the food? Yum!
#3. RootSkills is designed for YOU!
Really, RootSkills is designed for you – volunteer leaders, thinkers, doers working to make their neighborhoods and towns more resilient, just, safe, healthy and environmentally sustainable. The ability to share stories, compare notes, recognize challenges and discuss opportunities (re)invigorates and is just plain fun!
We have scholarships available to help with the costs on an as-needed basis. We will also help organize carpools to help with transportation and we truly hope you will contact us with any questions (603 905 9915 or
Again, please help us in planning by registering by March 31 (and know that registration will remain open after the 31st).
See you in New Bedford on April 10 & 11!