Internship Description
Bright Blue EcoMedia
March 2015
Site Description
Bear Roots farm is a year-round, certified-organic, vegetable farm located in South Barre, Vermont. Bear Roots has teamed with Bright Blue EcoMedia to create educational programs that document and support their transition from a classic VT Dairy Farm to a diversified regenerative ecologically based farm. Activities this year include:
- Master Plan
o Key line site assessment/, earthworks, water catchment
o Agroforestry opportunities.
o Biological resource assessment and perennial plant recommendations.
- Design and implementation of a multi-species intensive rotational grazing program.
- Infrastructure upgrades to accommodate educational programming
- Permaculture Design Certificate Course (August 9-21), which will expand on the core Permaculture principles to include large-scale foodshed design and media/communications.
Our goal is to create an educational center at Bear Roots Farm in South Barre Vermont, consisting of diverse and integrated educational opportunities. We intend to work with local experts, organizations and educational institutions to create a demonstration farm and learning center, as we collectively redesign and rejuvenate our regional food system.
Schedule will vary based on interest and specific work focus. There may be on-site housing for individual seeking a more integrated experience. Internships will include the 72-hour Permaculture Design Course and certificate. These are unpaid internships. Please send a brief letter describing your interests and resume to
Internship: Content Production & Social Media
We are seeking an individual interested in learning or expanding their filmmaking, photography and writing skills. The ideal candidate will have internet experience and social media savvy. The goal is to communicate the value of ecological design, tell the story of Bear Roots Farm, and attract participants to our August 9-21 Permaculture Design Certificate Course. This Intern will work directly with Vic Guadagno of Bright Blue Media on a media strategy, content production, and social media updates. Time will be approximately 50/50 – onsite capturing media; and office work, editing, writing and posting.
Courtesy of Bear Roots Farm, South Barre Vermont