LGBTQ Identity, Human Rights and Advocacy Speaker at Champlain on 3/27

A message from Faith Yacubian, adjunct faculty at Champlain College:
Each semester, I reach out to community, advocacy organizations with the intention of building connections with the communities (if one has not already been forged) and requesting guest speakers.
This semester, I have reached out to Peter Jacobsen, Director of Vermont Cares, again and asked him to guide a conversation with students in my LGBTQ Experiences class on LGBTQ empowerment.
On Friday, March, 27th, Peter will join us from 12:30pm-1:45pm in Wick 100. He plans to discuss “advocacy and empowerment [within the LBTQ community], as well as the undercover and grassroots history AIDS activists have taken to care for themselves and our created families.”
Please feel welcome to bring your classes. **I only ask that you tell me in advance. If there’s a large crowd, I’ll find a larger venue.