VT Interfaith (good read, local events):
GREEN MOUNTAINS, BLUE WATER:Earth Care News fromVermont Interfaith Power and Light (VTIPL)February 2015In this newsletter:Help VTIPL Match Our Challenge Grant!Greening Our Religions: Film & Discussion SeriesEcumenical Lenten Carbon FastFilm Showing: “Wisdom to Survive,” Mar. 28, MontpelierLoss of Arctic Sea Ice: Cause of Temp. ExtremesAddison County Interfaith GroupPope Francis’s Upcoming EncyclicalClimate Change Affects Global ChallengesClimate Justice: A Fight for Equal OpportunityAmericans Support Action on ClimateMore ResourcesHELP VTIPL MATCH OUR CHALLENGE GRANT!VTIPL will receive $8,000 in challenge grants, $7,000 of it fromnational Interfaith Power and Light, when we raise the matchingfunds. Please help us by sending a donation to:VTIPL, P.O. Box 209, Richmond, VT 05477GREENING OUR RELIGIONS: Film & Discussion SeriesTwo events remain in this DVD series on teachings from faithtraditions on the place of humans in nature: Prof. StephanieKaza’s lecture on Buddhist teachings, Mon., Feb. 23, 7 pm,Shambhala Center in Burlington; Rev. Nancy Wright’s lectureon Christian teachings, Mon., Mar. 2, 7 pm, Ascension LutheranChurch in South Burlington. A discussion time follows each film.The events are free, and it’s helpful if you register:ECUMENICAL LENTEN CARBON FASTSign up for the daily emails from New England EnvironmentalMinistries and receive many ideas throughout Lent about ways to“fast” from carbon. Go to: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001iwO4OMLt4flxteQ1zZIPTg%3D%3DundefinedFILM SHOWING: Wisdom to Survive, Mar. 28, MontpelierThe film, “Wisdom to Survive: Climate Change, Capitalism,and Community,” will be shown at the Green Mountain FilmFestival at the Pavilion Auditorium, State Street, Montpelier,on Saturday, Mar. 28 at 3:30 pm. Anne Macksoud, co-producerof the film; Ben Falk, permaculture expert; Jade Walker, 350VTfield director; and Rev. Nancy Wright of Ascension LutheranChurch will be part of a panel discussion following the film.Find out more about it and watch the trailer here:The film (without panel discussion) will also be shown duringthe festival on Sun., 3/22, 8 pm at Downstairs Savoy. VTIPLhas a DVD of this excellent film. We encourage you to firstwatch the film on Mar. 28, then host a showing in yourfaith community. Contact VTIPL to make arrangements:LOSS OF ARCTIC SEA ICE: Cause of Temp. ExtremesThis video was in VTIPL’s June 2013 newsletter. A re-runseemed appropriate this winter! If you don’t have much time,minutes 6 – 18 give the key information. Connie Barlow andProf. Jennifer Francis speak of the loss of arctic sea ice and theeffect this has on climate: www.youtube.com/watch?v=en9Cz-kdbvc&feature=player_embedded#!This March 2014 article, posted on VTIPL’s website, is alsogood: https://www.climatecentral.org/news/a-cold-u.s.-winter-for-sure-but-8th-warmest-globally-17196ADDISON COUNTY INTERFAITH GROUPAn interfaith environmental group has formed in AddisonCounty with members from four faith communities. Othersare invited to join! The group hasn’t settled on a name yet,but they are already at work planning actions. The currentgroup members, both clergy and lay, come from ChamplainValley UU Society, Middlebury Congregational Church,Middlebury Friends Meeting, and Weybridge CongregationalChurch. The meetings are at the Weybridge Church on 2ndWednesdays of the month at 4:15 pm. For more information,contact The Rev. Daniel Cooperrider: pastor_weybridge@gmavt.netPOPE FRANCIS’S UPCOMING ENCYCLICALMuch has been written about the encyclical (an importantchurch teaching) focused on the environment that Pope Francisis expected to release in June or July. Here’s a sampling:Frequently Asked Questions on the Papal EncyclicalPope Francis: climate evangelist?Pope Francis: It’s Christian to protect the environmentCLIMATE CHANGE AFFECTS GLOBAL CHALLENGESWhen the leader of Iowa Interfaith Power and Light, Rev. SusanGuy, was involved in local ministry, one key issue occupied herheart and mind – hunger. That changed after she learned aboutclimate change and its effects on crops, turning hunger into amuch bigger problem. She realized, if she cared about hunger,she needed to care about climate change. Read her story here:https://interfaithpowerandlight.tumblr.com/post/1095262 20466/climate-change-affects-global-challengesCLIMATE JUSTICE: A Fight for Equal OpportunityIn this blog post by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy andRev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr., leader of the Hip Hop Caucus, theyspeak of pollution and climate impacts disproportionately hittingthose with low-income. https://blog.epa.gov/epaconnect/2015/02/climate-justice-equal-opportunity/AMERICANS SUPPORT ACTION ON CLIMATEIn a recent poll conducted by The New York Times, StanfordUniversity, and Resources for the Future, an overwhelmingmajority of Americans said they support government action tocurb global warming. For the details, go to:MORE RESOURCES:Leaving 80 % in the Ground: https://www.eco-justice.org/E-150116.aspAction/2015 — A movement to end poverty, inequality, and dangerous climate change: www.action2015.orgVTIPL educates people of faith and spirit about the climatecrisis and actions to care for Earth.Vermont Interfaith Power and LightP.O. Box 209, Richmond, VT 05477
Local Motion (local events/good read/jobs):
It’s all about loving where you are at! Starting this month we have a new series of articles about the equipment we love. Seasonally appropriate and up first – nordic skates.What gets you outside walking, riding, skating or skiing? Whether you need to tune up your bike, or have bike skills and a passion to share them, and with events from Wintervale to the Cross-Vermont Trail’s Ride for the Bridge, this month’s newsletter has lots of ideas to get you moving. And don’t forget to tell us when you do!Emily, Executive Director, Local Motion
Nordic Skating on Wild Ice, an Interview with Charlene Wallaceby Mary Catherine Graziano, Outreach and Education Manager
Charlene stopping for a picnic in the middle of Mallet’s Bay I had never heard the term “wild ice” before I sat down with Charlene to talk about her Nordic Skates. Heck, before I met Charlene, I had never even heard of Nordic Skates!
Vermonters fall into two rough categories: people who live here for the winter, and people who live here despite the winter. For those of you in the second category: I’m so sorry. I promise it will get warm again.
If you are one of those who looks forward to snow and ice, maybe you have looked out at the wide expanse of ice on your local lake, and dreamed of skating on it. From the water’s edge, it is a different story. This is un-Zamboni’d ice. This is wild ice. And this is where Nordic Skates come into their own……..
Go Vermont!Over 1,000 Vermonters Provide Input on the Statewide On-Road Bicycle Plan!
Wikimap On-line Input Tool Congratulations, you created a mountain of paperwork (virtually at least!).
More then 1,000 people heeded the call by Local Motion and partners to answer a critical question asked by VTRANS: “Where do you ride today, and where do you want to ride?”This first phase of the project referred to as the statewide On-Road Bicycle Plan for state highways and Class 1 roads, included public meetings and a wiki online input tool.Consultants hired by VTRANS, RSG and Alta Planning + Design with outreach and technical support from Local Motion, are now working away to compile comments and input from people across Vermont, from Brattleboro to Newport and from St. Johnsbury to Burlington.So what happens next?
TODAY (Friday, 2/20)! BTV Mall Community Planning Workshop
Live or work or play in Burlington? There is a huge opportunity to create a healthier, more walkable and prosperous downtown, and we need YOUR input!In order to help turn this vision into reality, the City is creating a public-private partnership with the new owner of the mall to implement the community goals outlined in planBTV and to provide a predictable path forward for the Burlington Town Center redevelopment project.Workshops are TODAY! Located just past L.L. Bean in the Burlington town Center Mall (Upper Level)
Everyday Bicycling Trainers Needed (from all corners of our fair state)
Spread the word that bicycling is for everyone as a Local Motion Everyday Bicycling trainer Are you a veteran everyday bicyclist? Local Motion is looking for folks who live in all regions of Vermont to lead our Everyday Bicycling Workshops.
Do you have biking skills? Great stories? Fantastic presentation abilities? Have a dream of inspiring people to travel on two wheels? Of course you do!
Contact marycatherine@localmotion.org to throw your hat (helmet?) into the ring!
Questions? Want to host an Everyday Bicycling Workshop at your workplace? Contactmarycatherine@localmotion.org to schedule a FREE workshop!
Spring is around the corner; are you and your bike ready?
Artwork by Michael Ton
Bike Recycle Vermont is offering two introductory bicycle mechanics classes starting next week. Sign up now!
Femmechanics is a mechanics class for women and all female-identifying people. Students receive instruction on the system of the bicycle and common repairs. The class is three consecutive Wednesday evenings and is taught by Old Spokes Home mechanic Veronica Wheeler. See a full description, upcoming dates, and sign up here.
In Bicycle Mechanics 101, students receive instruction on the systems and parts of the bicycle and will practice common repairs on Bike Recycle program bikes. The class is a series of seven consecutive two-hour classes. There is a Thursday evening series and aFriday morning series. See a full description, upcoming dates, and sign-up here.
All tuition fees support Bike Recycle Vermont’s work to provide affordable transportation and skills training to low-income Vermonters.
If Finance is Your Thing, You Could Join the Local Motion Team!
Local Motion is looking for a part-time Finance Manager to lead and manage the finances for our $900,000 non-profit. Responsibilities include financial reporting, cash flow management, budget development, supervising our bookkeeper, a role on the management team, and liaison with the Board of Director’s Finance Committee.
- Our office is located on the bike path in Burlington
- Hours are flexible
- Applications accepted until the right person is found
- Must be willing to have fun at work!
Click here for full job description and application information.
Upcoming Events
Wintervale 2015When:Sunday, 2/22 10a-2p.
Where: Intervale Center
282 Intervale Rd, Burlington
Enjoy 3 miles of groomed XC ski trails, free equipment rentals, warm drinks, and family fun!
Ride for the BridgeWhen:Sunday, 3/8
Where: First in Fitness, Montpelier, VT
A fun, group indoor cycling event and fundraiser for the Cross Vermont Trail. All participants receive a (rare) Cross Vt Trail technical t-shirt, and all donations raised help build the Bridge!
Bike Path Phase 1b Public Meeting
When:Tuesday, 3/10 5:30p
Where: 645 Pine Street Conference Room, Burlington
Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront, joined by VHB, will share proposed bike path concepts and improvements at the March PRW Commission meeting.
When:Monday, 3/23 through Saturday, 5/2
Where: Everywhere in VT
Vermontivate! is a game that brings fun and creativity to the vital work of addressing climate change and building sustainable communities.
…also, ice cream.
[Read more here]
Muddy Onion Spring Dirt Road ClassicWhen:Sunday, 4/26
Where: Montpelier, VT
Chocolate covered bacon, Maple Syrup, after-ride BBQ and beverages make this Gravel Grinder a no brainer. Proceeds go to MAMBA Montpelier Area Mountain Bike Association.
AASHE (good read/conferences/jobs)
NWF Campus Ecology (good read/conference/contest)
PLAN! (good read/waste)
Birds of Vermont (local events):
A Wren woodcarving workshop, bird monitoring, and the last Birds of a Fiber reminder: ending February (but not winter) at the Birds of Vermont Museum
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Saturday, February 28 • 9:00am – 3:00pm
Carve and paint a Wren with us and David Tuttle of theGreen Mountain Woodcarvers on February 28, in a one-day workshop (9a.m. – 3p.m.). All levels — bare beginners to decades of practice — totally welcome.
Do bring tools and gloves if you have them; if you don’t, let us know. Dave often brings some knives, gloves, etc. to sell. Please bring your lunch; we’ll have snacks and coffee.
Great for Scouts, teens and adults. Under 12 must bring Whittling Chip card or parental permission. (Yes, tools are sharp!)
$25 for Museum and GMWC members • $35 for everyone else
Please pre-register by phone or email (802) 434-2167 •museum@ birdsofvermont.org
REMINDER: Birds of a Fiber Submission Deadline
Send your submissions to us by March 1! We seekfiber-based submissions from art trading card size to double-bed quilts, from felting to weaving to collage to…
Send not more than three (3) .jpgs showing up to 3 works to museum@birdsofvermont.org ; please put “Submission for Birds of a Fiber” in the email subject. Please include contact information and a description of fibers/media, size, and weight.
Still need more info? Check out the blog post:https://bovm.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/birds-of-a-fiber-call-to-artists-from-the-birds-of-vermont-museum/
Late Winter Happenings
We love visitors!
But from now through April, please email or call ahead to schedule your visits.February
A Bouquet of Feathers —Friday, February 27
at the Vermont Flower ShowBird Monitoring Walk —Saturday, February 28
Wren Woodcarving Workshop — Saturday, February 28March
Deadline: Birds of A FiberSubmissions — Sunday, March 1
Bird Monitoring Walk —Saturday, March 28![]()
Last Saturdays,February 28 and March 28 • 8:00am – 9:45am
Discover birds and the changes from month to month during the Museum’s monitoring walks. Join experienced birders on the last Saturday of every month. We end the walk with cocoa, coffee, and tea at the Bird Viewing Window inside the Museum.
Most fun for adults, older children, and somewhat more experienced birders. Please bring your own binoculars and dress for the weather …snowshoes recommended for February; we’ll have to see what March brings!
Free, donations welcome • Please pre-register by phone or email (802) 434-2167• museum@ birdsofvermont.org
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All events are at the Birds of Vermont Museum unless otherwise noted. Changes and updates will be posted on our website, at https://birdsofvermont.org/ Please pre-register by email or phone: museum@birdsofvermont.org or (802) 434-2167
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We happily accept donations online through JustGive, NetworkForGood, and PayPal. You can also call (802) 434-2167with your credit card info, or send a check in any amount at any time to
Birds of Vermont Museum
900 Sherman Hollow Road
Huntington, Vermont 05462
Copyright © 2015 Birds of Vermont Museum, All rights reserved.
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Birds of Vermont Museum900 Sherman Hollow RoadHuntington, VT 05462