Paid Summer Research Internships for Undergraduates in Vermont

The following is a message from Kerrie Garvey, Project Manager, VT EPSCoR CWDD, Saint Michael’s College:


The VT EPSCoR Research on Adaptation to Climate Change (RACC) internship program is designed to provide undergraduate student research opportunities in lake and watershed biogeochemistry, ecology, climatology, hydrology, and environmental policy and management.

Undergraduates selected to participate in the RACC program will be matched with a research team of faculty and graduate students working on the transdisciplinary RACC research program. As part of this program, students do full-time research for 10 weeks (June-August) and earn hourly wages for the equivalent of $5,000 over the 10 week period.

Our goal is to encourage a diverse group of talented students to explore careers in scientific research.   Please refer to the attached brochure and the VT EPSCoR website for additional information:  Applications are due by Friday, February 6th.