Check out the latest news from the following providers:
Join UsforSWEEP’sFall Membership Meeting
What: SWEEP’s Fall Membership MeetingWhere: Kehoe Education Conservation CenterWhen: November 3rd, 4-7pmWhat: SWEEP Updates, networking, exploration, freedom to tap into your inner child, World Cafe, & presentations by members.There will be food and drinks to keep us going!
November 3rd4-7pm
Kehoe Education Conservation Center![]()
SWEEP’s purpose is to foster environmental appreciation and understanding in order to enable Vermonters to make responsible decisions affecting the environment
Local Motion
Walk ‘n’ Roll In-Depth is an editorial collection delivered to you featuring articles, profiles and stories about the people and programs that power Local Motion! Tell us what you think by emailing us or talking to us on Facebook!
Our Hats (and Bike Helmets) Off to You! – By Emily Boedecker
Emily says thank you to over 300 members and volunteers at Shelburne Farms’ Coach BarnWhat does a rite of passage look like for a 15-year old non-profit? By any measure more than 300 people, with over 50 arriving by bike, eating cake outside in 43 degree weather observed by an iron elephant framed by the turn of the (last) century architecture of Shelburne Farms would qualify!
Last Sunday we celebrated a joint anniversary; Local Motion, founded in 1999, is 15 years young, and our Bike Recycle Vermont program clocks in at 10 years strong. We’ve been able to do so much in 15 years because of one thing. You. Our community of members, friend, supporters and volunteers…
Silver on the Hill!
UVM offers a Bicycle Center and Bike Share program for its community of students faculty and staff We are sending out a big cheer today for our friends at the University of Vermont! The League of American Bicyclists has just announced this years Bicycle Friendly University awards, andUVM was awarded a silver medal. This is a step forward from the previous award of Bronze in 2011. Now UVM joins the City of Burlington in it’s quest for Gold!Recent changes that led to the award include the creation of a bicycle coordinator position at the university. With the help of the coordinator, the UVM Bicycle Center has opened it’s doors…
Continuing the Conversation About the Future of North Ave
Over 100 people attended the October 6th City Council vote at Burlington City HallThere has been a lot of discussion in Burlington over the last few weeks about the City Council’s vote on October 6th to approve a plan for transforming North Avenue over the next one to three years into a walkable, bikeable street for everyone. Some people think it’s too much, too fast. Others think it doesn’t go nearly far enough. Our take is that, all in all, it’s a big step in the right direction.
Just a few months ago, very few of the improvements that the Council recently approved were being considered for the short term…and since then, dozens and dozens of residents of the New North End and of Burlington as a whole spoke up for a safe, walkable, bikeable North Ave…
Biking Season Kicks Off for Elementary School Students!
In 2014 KKBS served 5,061 children and delivered 15,201 hours of skills training With the summer ending you might think that biking season is winding down too, but our Kohl’s Kids Bike Smart season, a statewide bike skills training program for children, is just starting up! Delivered through partnerships with schools and camps, Kohl’s Kids Bike Smart is a code word for FUN! The benefits of learning bikes skills that give a child a sense of achievement, that equate physical activity with fun, and that can be enjoyed as a family or independently, will last a lifetime.
Since the beginning of September, the TWO trailers (yes, we are still excited that we now have two!) have been to eleven Vermont schools in seven counties…
Widening Route 2 at Staples Plaza
A familiar view to many, Route 2 runs from South Burlington to downtown Burlington
Construction is well underway in front of Staples Plaza and the Sheraton (Route 2/ Williston Road) to add an eastbound lane for vehicles turning onto southbound I-89. The plan, dubbed ‘Staples Third Lane,’ was developed in 2009. When completed in 2015 bikers and walkers can expect 5-foot bike lanes and new 5-foot sidewalks throughout, plus two new bus shelters.
With our rapidly changing thinking about the importance of protected bike lanes, roads that accommodate vehicles, bikes, and foot traffic, and are suitable for all ages and abilities, we have to ask…would this project be different if it were designed today?
Winter Riding Tips & Tricks – By Peter Burns
Winter riding means observing the road shoulder carefully. Photo courtesy of Liam Griffin When the temperature drops and the snow begins to fall, winter bike season starts. Winter riding can be lots of fun and a great way to get outside and escape the confines of your car. I have been riding through the winter for many years, and I’ve compiled a list of my top 10 suggestions that I hope will help you avoid some common winter riding pitfalls…
1. Bundle up! Your extremities – hands, feet and head – are the most vulnerable to the cold. Biking generates wind-chill, so windproof hats and gloves are a must. I even preheat my feet, socks, hands, and gloves with a hairdryer before I leave the house. Once your feet and hands get cold, they will stay cold, so it is important to start off warm. Always bring along another layer of warmth in case the weather takes a turn for the worse. Hint of frostbite, get inside right away…
November Events…
Biking season is winding down, and while some stick it out through the harsh Vermont winters (like Peter) we will be combining our Walk ‘n’ Roll newsletters for the slower months. Until spring, you will find next month’s events highlighted at the end of our In-Depth newsletters. Here’s what’s in store for November…
The Great Turkey Chase Part 7
Sunday November 17, 11:00am-2:00pm, meet at Maglianero CafeThe 7th Annual Food Drive / Bike Ride. Open to all, with prizes for different categories and the ever popular turkey bonus prize. Two different routes. Proceeds benefit the Food Shelf. RSVP here!
Vermont Transportation Board Public Hearings
Through the month at various colleges across Vermont
The Board will discuss with young adults, aged 18-34, transportation-related topics that factor into choices they make when deciding where to live/work after graduation.
…and don’t forget about this Sunday’sSunday October 26, 2:00pm, meet at City Hall Park
Join Mayor Weinberger, city leaders and and your friends for this police-escorted costume party on wheels. Bike decorating at City Hall Park begins at 1:30pm. RSVP here!
Stay up to date with great walk/bike events in Vermont. Click here to visit our events calendar!
Efficiency VT
National Weatherization Day: October 30th is National Weatherization day, highlighting the great work done by Vermont’s Weatherization Assistance Programs to save low-income Vermonters money on their heating bills and reduce our state’s carbon pollution. There will be tours available around Vermont – for more information see the email I’ve forwarded below.
Button Up Vermont Day of Action: November 1st is a day of action when Vermonters across the state will be taking steps to weatherize their homes. Just as we “Green Up” Vermont each spring, “Button Up” day is a great opportunity to get ready for the winter months. Find out more about how to cut your energy bills and carbon pollution here.
Cutting down on our total energy use is an important tool in the fight to address global warming. Every year, Vermonters spend more than $600 million on fossil fuels to heat their homes. That’s a lot of money to be spending to heat up our climate!
I hope you take the opportunity to participate in one or both of these exciting events.
For Immediate Release: October 24, 2014
Contact Person:
Amy Shollenberger – 802-793-1114 / amy@action-circles.comALSO: See specific contact people for each site, below
Vermont Celebrates National Weatherization Day
Tours available throughout the state
Governor issues proclamation
On October 30, 2014, Weatherization Assistance Providers across the state will offer tours of weatherized homes, interviews with clients and service providers (including energy auditors), and general information about Weatherization services. See below for details.
WHY: Each year, October 30th is recognized as National Weatherization Day — a day meant to bring attention to the fact that low income households spend a disproportionate percentage of their annual incomes on home energy bills. In Vermont, the Low Income Weatherization Assistance Programs provide weatherization services to low-income households across the state. These weatherization programs not only save energy through advanced technologies to improve the energy affordability for low-income families, but also save lives and improve the health and safety of families by identifying carbon monoxide hazards, poor indoor air quality, mold, and other health threats.
With support from both the state of Vermont and the US Department of Energy, more than 22,000 low-income family homes have been weatherized in Vermont since 1996.
Here are some weatherization facts:
- For every $1 invested, weatherization returns $2.51 to the household and society
- Energy savings average 20% of consumption for the typical low-income home pre-weatherization consumption
- Weatherization decreases national energy consumption by the equivalent of 24.1 million barrels of oil annually
In honor of the day’s events, Governor Peter Shumlin issued a proclamation declaring October 30, 2014 National Weatherization day in Vermont. A copy of the proclamation can be found here:
Weatherization Assistance Program at CVOEOChamplain Valley Office of Economic Opportunty
Press Contact:
Jenn Wood, Program Director for CVOEO Weatherization – 802-238-0957
Available for interviews:Greg Wigginton, Production Manager for the southern territory of CVOEO and Jenn Wood, Program Director for CVOEO Weatherization,
CVOEO and Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) will host a tour of a multifamily Senior Housing unit at Valley View II in Vergennes. Valley View I was weatherized in 2012 and Valley View II has just been weatherized.
The tour is scheduled to begin 10:30 AM and run for 1.5 hours.
Valley View II: 12 Walker Ave, Vergennes
Details: We will meet in the entrance of Valley View II where we will display highlights of the program, talk to residents, the production manager, and weatherization crew. We will then tour the facility which was just weatherized.
Weatherization Assistance Program at SEVCA
Southeastern Vermont Community Action
Press Contact:
Becky Himlin, Director of Planning and Development
(802) 722-4575×163 /
Available for interviews:
We will allow plenty of time to speak with the clients.
Also, an Energy Auditor will be available for questions.
SEVCA will do onsite visits to two recently weatherized homes. One will be in the southern part of our service area (Brattleboro) and the other will be in the northern service area, in Perkinsville, a hamlet in the Town of Weathersfield. There will be an Energy Auditor on hand to showcase our work and explain what we did and why. We will allow up to 1.5 hours onsite at each event.
10 am at home of Stephen and Melody Washkevich
125 Williams Street, Brattleboro
2:00 pm at home of Ted and Janice Hastings
1445 Upper Falls Road, Perkinsville
Directions to Brattleboro: Route 91 to exit 2. Turn on Route 9 west. Go .2m and turn left onto Williams St. Home is .8m on the left. There is a flagpole in front yard. Parking is further down the street.
Directions to Perkinsville: Route 91 to exit 8. Turn onto Route 131 west. Go for approximately 7 miles to Downers Four Corners (Junction Route 106). Remain straight on 131 through the intersection. Take first left onto Upper Falls Road and stay left over the covered bridge. Go approximately .4 mile. The home will be on the left. It’s an old white cape style farmhouse with attachment.Weatherization Assistance Program at BROC
Community Action in Southwestern Vermont
Press Contact:
Thomas Thacker, Weatherization Program Energy Auditor
802-775-0878 /
Available for Interview:Hilary Adams, homeowner 802-492-3465
Thomas Thacker, Weatherization Program Energy Auditor
802-775-0878 /
BROC will do a tour of a home recently weatherized. There will be an energy auditor on hand to showcase the work we do from both of our offices in Rutland and Bennington Counties.WHEN/WHERE:
10 am – noon: 321 Adams Road, Shrewsbury
Weatherization Assistance Program at VT-NETO
Northeast Employment and Training Organization
Press Contacts:Jim Ryan, Program Director – 802 334-7378 /
Martha Stevens, Associate Director – 802 334-7378 /
VT-NETO will hold an Open House at the Newport and St. Johnsbury offices. Highlights of the Weatherization Program will be on display. There will be an energy auditor on hand to showcase the work we do from both of our offices. Field trip to worksite will be arranged if desired by press or candidates. (Will decide at the event.)
10:00-12:00 noon: 147 Citizens Road, Derby VT
10:00-12 noon: 84 Central St. St. Johnsbury, VT
Weatherization Assistance Program at
Capstone Community Action
Press Contact:
Paul Zabriske, Weatherization Director, 802-793-2999
Capstone will open the Home Energy Makeover Exhibit – an interactive trailer that shows all the elements of home weatherization. A tour of the trailer will be conducted at 10:30 am, but the trailer will be open for self-touring from 10-noon.
10:00am-Noon: Self-guided tours of the Home Energy Makeover Exhibit (director available to answer questions/conduct interviews)
10:30 am: Weatherization Director conducts a tour of the trailer
Capstone Community Action – 20 Gable Place, Barre
Enter in the front door of Capstone and you will be guided to the exhibit.