full time event-coordination & outreach position at Lake Champlain International

Want to make a tangible difference in the lives of your fellow Vermonters and all those who depend on healthy waters in the Champlain Basin?

LCI has a full-time, salaried position beginning May 1 working with its Executive Director James Ehlers in the coordination of fundraising events and conservation and outreach programs.  It works long hours at times, including some evenings and weekends, in pursuit of meaningful objectives: swimmable, drinkable, fishable waters.

The right individual is a person of integrity with excellent communication and organizational skills, enjoys helping teammates, and is motivated to improve the lives of others.  She or he will enjoy a fast-paced, creative work environment with varied responsibilities, is eager to learn,  and will seek accountability in addressing challenges.  Our work is both physical and cerebral.  

Are you this person?  Send the Executive Director a short video demonstrating why the rest of team at LCI needs you as we pursue our work in ensuring a healthy future for our friends, families, and neighbors.  A select few will be chosen for personal interviews with the Executive Director, Board President, and other members of the LCI team.

Currently the position is slated to run through September 30th .  There is the possibility it could be extended indefinitely.

Send your videos to james@mychamplain.net.  What’s the deadline?  When they find the right teammate.  Is it you?


Lake Champlain International is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Courtesy of Lake Champlain International