NOFA Vermont March E-newsletter

NOFA Vermont March E-Newsletter

Are You a Member?
Members are the heart of NOFA Vermont!
Your membership comes with many benefits, including a subscription to our quarterly newsletter, NOFA Notes, and discounts on NOFA events.
Your support makes our programs possible! As a leader in the local and organic food movement, NOFA Vermont is training new farmers, connecting farms with their communities, and increasing access to fresh, local food for all Vermonters.
YOU can help grow local farms, healthy food, and strong communities in Vermont. Become a member today!

Take Action on GMOs
The issue of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is an important one to organic farmers and consumers, because organic certification absolutely prohibits the use of GMOs – and it’s an issue that is making waves on both local and national scales.
Locally, Vermont’s GMO labeling bill is making its way through the legislative process, and we have a number of upcoming workshops and film screenings to help you stay informed and motivated. (Click here to learn more!)

Nationally, the USDA is greenlighting new GMO corn and soybeans resistant to a pesticide known as 2,4-D, famously an ingredient in Agent Orange. The public comment period is open until March 11.
You can tell the USDA that we don’t need more pesticide-resistant crops, which encourage increased pesticide use and create pesticide-resistant weeds. Learn more about 2,4-D from the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Pesticide Action Network.

Bulk Order Pickup this Saturday!
If you placed an order through the NOFA-VT Bulk Order, don’t forget to pick it up this Saturday, March 8 between 9 am and 3 pm!
NOFA Bookstore SALE
Get inspired for spring with a book from the NOFA Bookstore. All in-stock titles are now 50% off!
Click here to see a list of available titles. Please call the office to confirm availability before placing your order. Stop by the NOFA office and save on shipping!
Upcoming Events

GMO Labeling Consumer Education Workshops

GMO OMG Film Screenings

Organic Dairy Day
March 5th, 2014

Jr Iron Chef
March 22, 2014

Farm & Forest Viability Program application deadline
March 31, 2014

From the NOFAvore Blog:
Join the Right to Know Roadshow
After passing the Vermont House last year and the Senate Agriculture Committee last month, our GMO labeling bill, H.112, will now be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee in mid-March. If approved there, it will move to the full Senate for a vote and, hopefully, straight to the Governor’s desk for his signature later this spring.
Want to learn more and get engaged?

Read more on the blog »

NOFA Seeking Summer Interns

We’re looking for several motivated, articulate students who are passionate about local, organic agriculture and food systems – and who like to have fun – to join us this summer.

Read more on the blog »