The Northeast Student Cooperative Convergence
March 28-30th in Amherst, MA
The Convergence is being organized for and by students of cooperation and aims to bring together students involved/interested in co-ops, social and economic justice to learn from and about each other, share skills, experiences, struggles, successes and food and to strategize to support one another in the upcoming year and beyond!
What you can do:
- get excited
- tell a friend
- Like the Northeast Student Cooperative Convergence facebook page for updates and invite your friends to like it too. And if you have content you want to post (e.g. a photo of your co-op doing its thing, a recipe, a member to member interview) let us know!
- Share/forward/tell your friends & yourselves about the call for proposals Due March 1st! (e.g. put it on the agenda at your next all staff meeting or talk to that co-worker who’s facilitation skills you admire about sharing them with others!) If you would like to work on a workshop, panel discussion, caucus, or training on food justice, social justice, and/or cooperatives FILL OUT THIS FORM HERE!
Registration opening soon!