Spring 2014 Eco-Comedy Video Competition

** $1,000 Prize **

Sponsored by: American University Center for Environmental Filmmaking and the Sierra Club

The contest is open to anyone who prepares a short, funny video for YouTube, which communicates a clear message about environmental conservation.

Submissions must:

● Be humorous!

● Communicate a clear message regarding the importance of environmental conservation and protection of our fragile ecosystem.

● Reach a broad audience.

● Be an original production.

● Be less than three minutes (including titles and credits).

● Be posted to Eco­Comedy Video Competition 2014 YouTube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN3cyUWL7ArmlcHmVVjlZ3w/feed

● Be submitted by 11:59pm Eastern Time Zone on Friday, March 7.

There will be five judges representing the Center for Environmental Filmmaking, Sierra Club, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Mill Reef Productions, and EcoSense. The decision of the judges is final. Awards are based on overall merit of the entries. Judges reserve the right not to grant an award. The organizations listed above reserve the right to post submissions on their websites.

Submissions that are not received by Friday, March 7 will not be accepted. Finalists will be notified via email by Friday, March 21. The winner will be announced at American University on Tuesday, March 25 at the DC Environmental Film Festival at 7:00pm in the Forman Theater located in the McKinley Building.

For more information regarding submission guidelines and contest rules, visit: https://www.american.edu/soc/cef/eco­-comedy­-film­-competition.cfm

Questions may be addressed to Chris Palmer at palmer@american.edu