Climate Justice Winter Roadshow

Climate Justice Winter Roadshow

Wednesday, February 5th, 5-6pm, Joyce 301, Champlain College

A movement is brewing.  Across the continent, communities are organizing to stop extreme energy extraction in its tracks.  Corporations pushing new mines, drill rigs, pipelines, dams, export terminals, and dirty bank loans are running smack against our uncompromising determination to stand with the most impacted communities and defend a livable planet for humans and all beings.

Every day, new front lines are opening in this struggle, joining ongoing fights against extractive industry in places like Appalachia, Alberta, Pennsylvania and New Brunswick.  In the Champlain Valley, Vermont Gas is only weeks away from beginning construction on Vermont’s largest fossil fuel expansion project in decades.  But despite the state’s failure to reject the fracked gas pipeline, a growing movement of folks are determined to escalate the fight.

Where do we go from here?  What would a grassroots movement for energy and climate justice look like in our region?  How can student and community groups support frontline struggles in Vermont and beyond?  What resources are available for people looking to get involved.

Join folks from Rising Tide as we explore these questions in an evening of conversation and movement-focused dialogue.