Volunteer Opportunities at Local Schools

Town Meeting- Sustainability Academy, October 2nd, 4:45-6:15pm (time depends slightly on transportation method – walking vs. driving*)

Target # of volunteers: 3-5

Description: Sustainability Academy is hosting a Town Meeting for students, faculty/staff and community leaders to get together and discuss the goals and collective vision of the school.

Volunteer duties: Volunteers will primarily be tasked with setting up the food, equipment and classrooms for the event. They will also be on call to help the Sustainability Academy Stewardship Team with any additional needs that occur.

Sign up here: bit.ly/1aoje6t

*The group will be walking to SA unless a student can carpool.  Please let us know if you have a car and are willing to drive others.

Open House- Edmunds Elementary School, October 10th, 5:45-7:15pm 

Target # of volunteers: 3-5

Description: Edmunds is hosting an Open House and soup and bread dinner with the PTO on October 10th.

Volunteer duties: Volunteers will be assisting with child care through games and activities organized by the Edmunds Elementary staff.

Sign up here: bit.ly/18ny4dQ

Please “like” us on Facebook and pass our event calendar along to your friends/advisees/residents/etc! Email Will Carlson (cc’ed here) if you have any questions.