May events at the Birds of Vermont Museum! Attend and/or Volunteer!

All events are FREE and at the Birds of Vermont Museum. Call or email if you have any questions. Thank you!

Opening Day
Wednesday, May 1
Museum returns to summer daily hours, 10a.m. – 4p.m. Please come visit!

Volunteer Work Day
Saturday, May 4 • 9a.m. – 1:00p.m. (you can stay later!)
Help us prepare the Museum for the 2013 open season! Do windows, clean nest boxes, spruce up trails, prepare handouts, input bird data, and much more. Something for everyone, and we feed you! Please let us know you’re coming.

Exhibit Opening: Breeding Bird Atlas: Science and Art
Monday, May 6 •  Exhibit: All Day; Special presentation: 6:00p.m.
Roz Renfrew of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies opens our Breeding Bird Atlas: Science and Art exhibit with a discussion of the project. The exhibit opens with the Museum; the special discussion is in the evening. Join us!

Free, donations welcome • Adults & teens

Loon Carving Class
Saturday, May 11 • 9:00a.m.–4:00p.m.
All carvers welcome. Carve and paint an 11-inch loon with David Tuttle. Wood blanks, snacks, coffee provided (please pre-register). Bring tools (or call and ask).
$25 for Members, $35 others • Adults & teens

Early Birder Morning Walks
Sundays, May 12, 19, 26 • 7:00  – 9:00 a.m.
Enjoy the start of the day with us, birds, and other woodland inhabitants. Walks are led by experienced birders familiar with Vermont birds. Come to several walks to hear the changes in who calls and when!
Free, donations welcome • Best for adults and older children

Bird Day Festival! 
Saturday, May 18
Annual celebration of migratory birds! Birds, music (Swing Peepers), birds, crafts, birds, walks, birds, face painting, birds, bird food, birds, soap carving, birds, treats! And did we say birds? More details on our website. We co-sponsor this with Audubon Vermont.  All ages welcome!

Tuesday May 14 • 10:30 – 11:15 a.m.
Storytime in the Nestlings Nook
Join us for stories and activities about birds. This month: discover the Dawn Chorus!
Free with admission; donations welcome • Great for pre-schoolers.

Bird Monitoring Walk
Saturday  May 25 • 7:30–9:30 a.m.
Join experienced birders for monthly bird monitoring. Please bring binoculars.
Free • Adults & older children

Sundays for Fledglings 
Sundays, resuming May 26 • 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Outdoor science and play for kids ages 5-12. Are you a Junior Birder? Want to become one? Develop mad birding skillz in observation, research, and goofing around? Oh yeah.

Free with admission • Pre-registering is helpful.

Birds of Vermont Museum
900 Sherman Hollow Road • Huntington, VT 05462
(802) 434-2167 • •