Apply for the Greenpeace Semester!

images-8The Greenpeace Semester: Do you care about the environment and want to learn skills to make a real difference?  During the Greenpeace Semester, you’ll learn what it takes to protect the planet and gain career experience to become an environmental leader.  The program combines intensive workshops, groups projects, and real experience working on important issues in different communities, working side-by-side with Greenpeace staff.

You will:

  • join in conversation on critical issues with experts on climate change, protecting our oceans, nuclear energy, forest conservation, toxic pollution, and corporate abuse of the environment
  • learn the skills of environmental advocacy, strategic campaigning, communication, and grassroots organizing to win real victories for the planet
  • learn about non-violence as a means of making change in the world

Click here to apply

Hundreds of young adults have joined the Greenpeace Semester to learn the skills of organizing, campaigning, and environmental leadership. Alumni have become leaders on their campuses, secured jobs in the environmental and social justice fields, and some have even started their own organizations.

We invite you to review information about the Greenpeace Semester, including the curriculum, travel details, and the application process.  Please contact us with any questions.

Click here, for more information!