Our Eco-Reps carried out a Water Taste Test Challenge in the auditorium and cafeteria over a three-day period where students did a blind taste test of bottled water, drinking fountain water (bottle refill stations in IDX and Hauke), and filtered water (using a Brita filter).
The students were asked to guess which was the bottled water vs. tap water vs. drinking fountain water, and if they had a preference. The Eco-Reps then filled the students in on which water was which. The students were asked if they would try to carry a water bottle instead of buying water in the future, and given a fact sheet on water facts to further their education.
The results showed that well over half of the students preferred drinking fountain water when compared with the bottled water and filtered water.
Drinking fountain water is free and eco-friendly, its a win-win! Start carrying a water bottle, and taste the difference yourself!