The moral of the story? Bring your own cup

A recent article in Fast Company shows the complexity of the trash-recycling-composting systems and trying to “solve” the issue of one-use items — notably, coffee cups. The moral of the story? Bring your own. You often get a discount on top of the moral gratitude of not adding more to the waste chain (think: before & after you use the cup, stuff is dug up, cut down, processed, bought, and sold; repeat in the opposite order. )

At our own Jazzman’s cafe, they are upgrading the coffee cups so that they can be composted (and yes, there is a compost bin in the cafe, alongside trash and recycling). BUT! They also offer a discount on refills when you use a refillable mug.

Thanks to Marcelle Difalco in the Marketing Department for passing on the article.