Category Archives: Announcements

Blair Hamilton Scholarships for student attendees to BBD 2014

Efficiency Vermont’s Better Building by Design conference is pleased to offer the Blair Hamilton Student Scholarships to support and inspire students to pursue the advancing of energy efficiency and renewable energy, which Blair dedicated his life to. There are 40 one day scholarships available to college and high-school students in Vermont, available on a first-come, […]

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Bottled Water Reduction at Champlain College

Summary of Bottled Water Reduction/Restriction at Champlain College
December 2013

Summary:  Over the past year, there has been significant effort in educating the Champlain College community about the various issues with bottled water (including, but not limited to, privatization of a public resource, access and equity, waste in production and disposal, etc.) as well as adding the physical resources necessary to create an environment where access to free, safe drinking water is easy for all. In April 2013, the campus community was surveyed to see if they would support removing the sale and use of regular, un-flavored bottled water on campus and this was overwhelming supported by those that responded. In June 2013, Champlain switched from solely working with Coca Cola as our beverage vendor to being an open source campus where any retailer can work with any provider. At the time of the switch, the vendors were informed that we were likely to stop the sale of bottled water on campus as of January 1, 2014. Continue reading

Hiring for Spring 2014 Eco-Reps

Now Accepting Applications for Spring 2014 Eco-Reps! The Champlain College Eco-Reps Program trains student leaders who model and promote environmentally responsible behaviors in the residence halls by educating their peers.  This is a paid position (you do not have to be work study eligible), but you must live in a Champlain College residence hall to […]

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Sustain Champlain update || December 2013

Fall 2013 has been yet another busy semester full of activity. Over this semester we’ve had 5 committees working on implementing various components of the Sustainability Action Plan, with over 25 active student, staff, & faculty members participating. In addition, we have 15 student Eco-Reps working in the residence halls, 3 work study students and one intern. It’s been great! Continue reading

AESS 2014 Conference: Call for Proposals for “Welcome to the Anthropocene, Deadline: Feb. 4

Call for Proposals
June 11-14, 2014
Pace University, New York City
‘Welcome to the Anthropocene: From Global Challenge to Planetary Stewardship’

 We invite proposals for individual abstracts for individual paper and poster presentations, as well as workshops, discussion symposia, full panels, and mealtime roundtables. Continue reading

Save the dates for spring teachable events: Sustainability Spirit Week at Champlain College

Hi all, The Academic Connections committee of Sustain Champlain is planning a week long series of events during February, and we’d love for you to consider offering extra credit for your students, or even building the events in to your syllabi.  The schedule will include a mixture of lectures/presentations, films, and other activities all centered […]

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Volunteer Positions available for PV America 2014 in Boston

Volunteer at PV America on June 23-25, 2014 in Boston! Volunteers at PV America (PVA) have the unique and exciting opportunity to play an active role in New England’s largest education and business-to-business event, focused on the PV solar market. It takes a diverse group of volunteers to support our goals – we hope you […]

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BBD 2014 Student Poster Session Presentations – Proposals Due 1/6/14

Efficiency Vermont is pleased to announce the Student Poster Session Presentations at the 2014 Better Buildings by Design Conference. All Vermont students (including groups and individuals) are encouraged to submit project work related to the energy efficiency field. Those selected will present their work in a visual poster format displayed during the 2014 Better Buildings […]

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Vermont Natural Resources Council – December eBulletin – featuring Grace VonRabenstein ’14

VNRC to Grace vonRabenstein, Intern from Champlain College: Thank You, Thank You This month VNRC said goodbye to Grace vonRabenstein, a student in Champlain College’s Environmental Policy Program who has been helping us as an intern during the fall semester. Grace has been a huge help during a super busy time at VNRC. She’s assembled […]

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Fresh Vermont-Grown Food Delivered to Campus! 2014 Spring Semester

Fresh, Delicious Vermont-Grown Food Delivered to Campus!

The Intervale Food Hub makes it easy for students to enjoy fresh, healthy local food, and take part of Vermont’s local food revolution.

We offer convenient weekly delivery to Champlain College, Saint Michael’s, and UVM campuses. Our 13-week schedule is tailored to the academic calendar.

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