Seattle University’s Environmental Justice and Sustainability conference – August 7-9

The early bird rate for Seattle University’s Environmental Justice and Sustainability conference ends on June 23rd.  More information about the conference which meets August 7-9th may be found at:

Environmental justice and sustainability are inextricably connected. True sustainability can only be achieved when all communities have healthy air, water, food, green space, and security, and when all people have meaningful involvement in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. 

Hosted by the Seattle University Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability, Just Sustainability: Hope for the Commons will focus on the intimate connections between environmental justice and sustainability. Attendees will have a unique opportunity to connect with researchers, businesses, and communities that are bringing EJS issues to the fore of public discourse. The conference goals are to:

  • Emphasize EJS research in a wide variety of disciplines
  • Build an EJS network of Jesuit institutions
  • Inspire EJS work through the arts
  • Highlight work being done by nonprofit and government agencies
  • Foster interdisciplinary conversations, research, and teaching