We are launching a new research program investigating the impact of climate variability and extreme weather events on water quality and how to provide rapid information to decision-makers. We are eager to integrate undergraduate students into this new research program.
Students selected to participate in the NSF-funded North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet) program will be matched with a research team in Vermont, Delaware or Rhode Island. Interns will conduct research for 10 weeks on water quality and quantity across the north-south gradient from VT to DE. Students from a variety of academic backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Those with an interest or a major in environmental science, environmental studies, economics, or computer science/data visualization may find these research opportunities of particular interest.
For more information visit our website: www.newrnet.org. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at: cwdd@smcvt.edu or 802-654-3270.