Announcing the 2013-2014 Sustain Champlain Committees

These committees are primarily charged with implementing the Champlain College Sustainability Action Plan (SAP).  Committee members will reach out to collaborating departments when needed. Key Staff/College SustainChamplainPersonnel will be asked to participate with a committee that requires their expertise on an as-needed basis. Membership and meetings are open to the Champlain community. Committees should meet on a monthly basis and are supported by the Sustainability Director. 

All committees are charged with exploring how to better incorporate aspects of diversity and inclusion into their committee’s content area. For example, the following questions might be asked: Who does this work affect/impact? Is any particular group of people impacted more or less? How can we better diversify the stakeholders involved?  Are all members of the Champlain community included and feel comfortable in this work?

Academic Connections
Charge: To continue infusing sustainability concepts and practices into College curriculum by building relationships and sharing resources and opportunities with faculty and Deans.

Related SAP & other Goals:

  • Conduct a survey to learn what courses currently have a sustainability focus or component by 2014
  • Explore adding “and the environment” to the ethical reasoning college competency by 2014

Next meeting: Wednesday, October 2nd, 4-5pm, IDX 309

Waste Reduction/Diversion

Charge: To continue to find ways to reduce overall amount of trash, recycling, and compost on campus as well as way to greater improve our diversion of materials from the landfill by recycling, composting, reusing, donating, and/or re-selling. To work with our waste partner, Casella, on these goals.

Related SAP & other Goals:

  • 100% of campus printers will have double sided printing as the default setting by 2013
  • Install one electronic waste bin in each residence hall by 2013
  • extend compost program to Lakeside
  • Paper towel compost trial
  • Explore options such as: Grounds to Grow on Program for Keurigs and Terra Cycle (cigg butts), Office Max toner/ink cartridges
  • Initiate scrap paper re-use in student labs (Ireland, Perry Barn, Wick)
  • Add a “Heart Healthy Printing” campaign to Wellness Committee initiatives by 2014
  • Establish clear procedures for waste management at catered events by 2014.  Great example:
  • Eliminate 100% of bottled water on campus by 2014
  • Reduce the amount of paper used for orientation by using a “green thumb” USB drive or website by 2014
  • Implement a waste reduction education/training program for catering and janitorial staff by 2014

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 1st, 9:30-10:30am, IDX 309


Charge: To implement the 2013 Transportation Plan and to continue finding ways of reducing single-occupancy vehicle travel to/from campus. To work with our transportation partners, CATMA & RSG, on these goals.

Related SAP & other Goals:

  • Have covered bike parking at least one central campus location by 2013
  • Create a bike commuter resource guide by 2013
  • Have 25% of employees register with CATMA by 2014
  • Set up a rideshare program for students by 2014
  • Explore a pilot bike-share program for main campus
  • Explore electric vehicle charging stations

Next meeting: Tuesday, September 24th, 3-4pm, IDX 309

Green Revolving Fund

Charge: to advise and manage the College’s Green Revolving Fund, an investment fund that finances energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other sustainability projects on campus.

Related SAP & other Goals:

  • Learn the GRITS tracking system
  • Review summer 2013 projects
  • Solicit proposals for Community Fund
  • Purchase Energy Star appliances for all kitchen renovations/expansions by 2014

Next meeting: Thursday, October 3rd, 11am-noon, Ireland 117

Purchasing (Food & more)

Charge: To explore ways of aligning the College’s purchasing practices (particularly as it relates to food) with the College’s values.

Related SAP & other Goals:

  • Complete the requirements of the Fair Trade Campus Designation
  • Support progress toward Sodexo’s national goal of the Real Food Challenge
    • Utilize the Real Food Calculator to assess our current purchases by 2014.
    • Compile a list of preferred local vendors (especially for t-shirts and printing) by 2014.
    • Include environmentally-preferred language into current and future purchasing contracts by 2014.

Next meeting: Monday, September 23rd, 11am-noon, IDX 309

Interested in joining a committee? Contact