On September 1, CSWD will charge a $2.00 fee for “blue-bin” recycling brought to our Drop-Off Centers (DOCs) without any household trash. This fee will help cover the cost of processing recycling for everyone.
Don’t Want to Pay the $2.00 Fee?
Bring in your household trash (up to 1 cubic yard limit) with your recycling and/or food scraps and pay NO FEE for recycling and food scraps!
Household trash is the stuff you “throw out” on a regular basis, not the one-time or special clean out items. Think of household trash, blue-bin recyclables, and kitchen food scraps as a “bundle” of materials you create during daily household activities. The fees we charge for this household trash help cover the handling and processing costs of blue-bin recyclables and kitchen food scraps. Before, the customers who brought trash along with their recycling were subsidizing the costs for our recycling-only customers.
What about other items you pay for, like mattresses or appliances?
We have set the fees you pay for other items that require special handling or processing—furniture, tires, and appliances are a few examples—to cover just the costs of handling these specialty items that households rarely need to dispose of.
We also hope this new transparency about the costs of all “waste” management will encourage our customers to consider reducing their trips to our Drop-Off Centers by bringing their trash and recycling together. This could help shorten lines and untangle congestion at the DOCs. Plus, fewer trips mean less emissions. Less traffic and a healthier environment. That sounds like a win to us.