Win a trip to San Francisco – Join Project Green Challenge 2019

We had a Champlain student, Hansel Carter ’20, win a trip in 2019!

Project Green Challenge starts October 1
30-day crash course on sustainability for students

Chance to win a trip to San Francisco + 8K Grand Prize
 your life. Change the world.

Sign up for #PGC2019 
Sign Up
What is Project Green Challenge? 
A 30-day global initiative that informs, inspires, and mobilizes high school, college, and grad school students to take action for the planet. PGC prompts thousands of participants to live consciously and get mobilized through engaging daily challenge themes. 
Why participate?
PGC 2019 will focus on climate action – inviting students to create tangible solutions to environmental challenges, starting on their campuses. 
How does it work?
  • Each of the 30-days in October will focus on a unique sustainability theme and offers up to four levels of challenges 
  • Up to 20 eco prize packages awarded daily to students who upload outstanding challenge submissions
  • Opportunity to win a free trip to San Francisco for a memorable 4-day Eco Summit for up to 16 deeply engaged student participants
  • A grand prize package valued at $8,000+ that includes a $5,000 award to implement a Campus Climate Action Project
Sign up to change the world, become a Campus Rep, share the PGC 2019 Flyer, and help spread the word!
Sign Up
Follow us on FB @TurningGreen, Twitter/Instagram @TurningGreenOrg
Email us with any questions, comments or ideas.

Warmest regards,
Turning Green Team
At Turning Green, we work at the high school and college level to provide students with the education, advocacy skills, and leadership opportunities to take action in support of a more responsible economy, a healthy food system, and mobilize others to do the same. Turning Green provides every student an opportunity to better understand the choices they have, the impacts of those choices, and the tools to take action through our flagship programs: Project Green Challenge, Conscious Campus Road Tour and the Conscious Kitchen.
Through our work we demonstrate that each individual can affect change: one voice, one student, one school, and one community at a time.

For more info: