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Volunteer Profile – Traveling Tech Assistant
by Beth Glaspie, Volunteer ColumnistBurlington native Nick Hadsel-Mares is a self-described technology nerd and developed a fascination with computers at an early age. For the past year, he has been a “traveling tech assistant” for the senior-focused Cathedral Square organization, taking his expertise into seniors’ homes to help solve their computer-related problems.
Hadsel-Mares spends 30 minutes to an hour at a senior’s home working on the computer issue, which can include anything from setting up a wireless printer to installing anti-virus software, troubleshooting Internet issues creating an email account.
Beth Alpert, volunteer coordinator at Cathedral Square, said residents have praised Hadsel-Mares “through the roof, stating that he is efficient, timely and a gentleman who has worked miracles.”
It’s rather fitting that Hadsel-Mares found this position through an online posting at United Way’s Volunteer Connection site, as he sings the praises of the Internet for its ability to bring people together. “The idea that these people can…keep up connections with their families and the outside world, that they have the tools to do that, that’s the best part of my work,” says Hadsel-Mares, adding, “It keeps [them] young.”
Looking for a way to share your “tech” skills? Click here
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Phone: 802.864.7541 I Fax: 802.864.7401
Building a stronger Northwest Vermont by mobilizing our community to work together.