SZW16: Calling all Zero Wasters

Share your skills and solutions with
 the zero waste world!
 Present at the 3rd Annual Students 
for Zero Waste Conference 
This November 11th & 12th in Durham, NH, the Post-Landfill Action Network will again host student leaders, social businesses and community activists from all across the country for a zero waste conference on the zero waste movement. Check out our conference page for updates.
We are PUMPED to make this happen again. But we need YOUR help. We are looking for speakers and presenters to share their knowledge and experience for the following sessions: 
60 min Skills Building Workshops
ex: Leadership Turnover 
Building Campus Coalitions
Working with Administration
Volunteer Recruitment and Management 
Social Media
60 min Action & Implementation Workshops
ex: Setting up Campus Wide Composting
Conducting Waste Audits
Building a Zero Waste Stadium
Setting and Reaching Zero Waste Goals
Plenary speakers. Details on the submission form. 
We can only accept a limited number of proposals. Submissions are due July 1st. Submit your interest now, even if you do not have all of the details! 
Questions? Email