Summer Internship on Energy Use in Vermont

veic-logo-@2xVermont Energy Investment Corporation is looking for a summer intern to help with a project mapping energy use in Vermont. A graduate student familiar with GIS would be ideal. General analytical, quantitative and research skills would also be helpful.

This project will entail mapping total household energy expenditures (electric, thermal and transportation) in Vermont, aggregated at the town level. The intern will have a hand in compiling and cleaning data, as needed, generating maps in GIS, identifying spatial patterns and then writing up the results for the final project report.

It’s really a fun project that I have been enjoying thus far and one that should provide great research experience. I understand the internship program here is a good one. Please pass along to any bright grad students you think may be interested or tell them to get in touch with me directly.

Pay for undergrad is $15/hr and about $20/hr for grad students, I believe. The hope is that it would be pretty much full time for about 10 weeks- June into August (but this is all very flexible, there are often part-time interns, as well, and start and end dates are adjusted as interns need).

Justine Sears, Consultant
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
(802) 540-7833