The schedule’s up for the June 6-9th action camp to stop the fracked gas pipeline — we hope you can make it!

Registration and logistical information here:

Keith for Rising Tide Vermont

June 6th – 9th, 2014

205 Roscoe Road, Charlotte, Vermont

Join organizers and activists from across Vermont for a weekend of workshops and trainings to deepen our collective understanding of the politics of extreme energy and take action to stop the fracked gas pipeline!  With pipeline plans moving forward, it’s time to take to the streets and skill up for direct action.  Learn how to plan creative actions from beginning to follow-up; from scouting the target, engaging media, and using a range of blockading skills to defend a livable planet for humans and all beings.
Register here

Schedule Announced!
Here’s a sneak peek at our schedule in progress.  Most workshops are confirmed, except those with a star *** and a few more may be added!

Friday June 6th
5 pm Arrival & camping set up
6 pm Dinner
7 pm Welcome & Panel Discussion
    – Local Resistance: Stories from the Campaign to Stop the Fracked Gas Pipeline

Saturday June 7th
8 am Breakfast
9 am Opening Circle
10am Workshop Block
    – Direct Action Gets the Goods! Examples from Local & National Struggles Taking Direct Action to Win
12 pm Lunch
    – Lunchtime conversation: What is Rising Tide VT?
1pm Workshop Block
    – What is this Fracking Pipeline? An informational session about the proposed Vt Gas Pipeline
    – Direct Action: What is it? Why do we use it? How do we do it?

3:30 pm Workshop Block
    – Action Planning & Preparation
    – From Climate Justice to Local Democracy: The Outlook of Social Ecology
6 pm Dinner
7 pm Direct Action Slide Show

Sunday June 8th
8 am Breakfast
9 am Opening Circle
10 am Workshop Block
    – Putting Our Bodies on the Line: Intro to Blockade Tactics
    – Anti-racism & the Environmental Movement***(tentative)

12 pm Lunch
1 pm Workshop Block
    – Transformative Organizing for Social Change***(tentative)
    – Waging the Battle of the Story: Action Media Strategy
    – Know Your Rights
3:30 pm
    – Action Planning & Preparation  
6pm Dinner

Monday June 9th 
Collective action to stop the fracked gas pipeline!

We hope you can clear your Monday morning schedule & stick around for a family friendly direct action to hold Vermont Gas Systems accountable for their plans to build the largest fossil fuel infrastructure project of the last 50 years.