UVM Watershed Alliance Program Assistant position available 2/1/14

I am writing to let you know that UVM Watershed Alliance has an opening for a Program Assistant beginning February 1st, 2014. The position is for 20 hrs./week at $14.50/hr. It is a temporary wage position with UVM.

If you know of someone interested in applying for this position please have them submit a cover letter and resume. They can email or call me with questions at erin.devries@uvm.edu or 802-859-3086 ext.305. I am able to respond to emails through December 20th, unavailable by phone or email from 12/21 through 1/1, and return to the office on January 2.

We aren’t spreading this announcement too wide because we need someone to start by February 1st at the latest. I am hoping the new assistant can overlap with Kelsey Head the current program assistant for at least a week before February 1st. I am also working on bringing more money to this position to eventually offer it as a permanent 3/4 time FTE with benefits, but only the UVM HR gods know if that will ever happen.

We will be accepting applications until January 10th and plan to hold interviews the week of the 13th.

Thanks for considering who of your contacts would be the right fit for this job. Kelsey has been amazing for the last two years.  I’d be so happy to find someone like her.

Happy holidays,
Erin De Vries
UVM WA Outreach & Education Coordinator
Aquatic Science Literacy Specialist

Erin De Vries
RSENR/Lake Champlain Sea Grant
UVM Extension
3 College Street
Burlington, VT 05401|
Telephone :(802) 859-3086 ext.305
Email: erin.devries@uvm.edu
Website: www.uvm.edu/watershed