The Justice League hosts “Beyond the Gender Binary”, February 11th

Facilitator: Nicole Holtz, Area Coordinator & Jenna Roy, ‘13
Description: An icebreaker will be selected to allow participants to get to know one another and to begin working as a team.  Viewing the first 20 minutes of the documentary Transgeneration, participants will begin to learn about common issues/life experiences of people who identify as transgender.  Reflection time will be provided after the film followed by a group discussion.  We will then discuss sex, gender identity and sexual orientation as separate self-aspects that are continuum concepts rather than categorically-based. Through our dialogue and the use of a power point we will discuss the use of inclusive language and provide tools to use when acting as an ally to the transgender community.
Date and Time: Monday, February 11, 2013 from 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Location: Ireland 114

If you haven’t already, please also check-out and “like” their facebook page: