4 Stewardship Internships and 3 Youth Program Internships Available! Positions run from mid-June to mid-August.
Roving Stewardship Interns will complete trail work along the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, living in a tent with other interns, staff, and volunteers. There will be opportunities for project coordination as well as hands-on field work ranging from sign installation, to stream bank stabilization, to stone staircase construction. Follow this link to view the position desciption. Click here to APPLY.
Youth Program Interns will help coordinate and lead NFCT’s Northern Forest Explorers Youth Program. Youth Program Interns will work with children ages 10-14 in a program developed to connect rural youth with their backyard waterways. Access the Job Description or APPLY.
Applications for all intern positions should be e-mailed to intern@NorthernForestCanoeTrail.org by March 15, 2013. Unless noted otherwise, the season will run from June 10th to August 16th.