Legislation this session
This legislative session there are several important initiatives that will reduce Vermont’s greenhouse gas emissions. Ideas for Policy will provide guidance to support legislation that improves thermal efficiency and promotes climate friendly transportation.
How can I get involved?

Climate Lobby Days
Ideas for Policy will be organizing several climate lobby days. The goal of this action is to bring Vermonters to the state capital and meet with legislators, showing support for climate legislation. These lobby days will allow everyday citizens to meet with their representatives and have a voice in the future of our state.
Legislator Contact Campaigns
Five minutes of your time can change the future of this state. Legislative districts in Vermont are small compared to other states. When you call or email your Representative or Senator they listen. Ideas for Policyorganizes calling and emailing campaigns to inform elected representatives that Vermonters support strong action on climate change. These contact campaigns will focus on specific pieces of legislation at critical points in the Legislative process.
Other Ideas?
If you would like to help organize, comment on specific legislation, or start a chapter in your community or University, please reach out to us!
Contact Information
Interested in any of the actions mentioned above? If so, please send an email to ideasforpolicy@gmail.com with your name, town, and what legislation and action you are interested in. Like us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/IdeasForPolicy