It Pays to Sort Your Trash: Results from the 2016 Trash Bash

A dollar was found in the trash on October 12th, 2016 by a group of Eco-Reps and sortingtrash2016friends of Sustain Champlain during the annual Trash Bash event. These individual found the reward by sorting the approximate total of 35 pounds of trash collected from IDX compactor which either originated from the Dining Hall and/or a residential hall. As we sorted the trash into recycling, compost and trash, it was found that almost half (48.8%) should have been composted and  44% was mixed trash. The dollar found is a reminder that we have to be aware of what and how much we throw away and in the wrong bins. We are seriously losing money out of this unconsciously. So, think and don’t throw out your dollars!


~Emily Gatz ’20, Waste Reduction Coordinator