Upper Valley (VT) Farm to School Spring Educational Forum – March 22

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Making it Happen At School
Being mindful of waste is good for the planet, is educational, saves you money, and adds strength to the social fabric of communities. Learn about the critical ingredients for success in managing recycling and reducing waste at schools, what the options are, and what compliance with Act 148 (Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law) looks like. We’ll help you identify the challenges and opportunities in your school community, demystify the process of source separation and on-site composting, and leave you inspired to get started in your school with a plan in hand.
When – Tuesday, March 224-6:30 pm
Where – Windsor Schools – 127 State Street, Windsor, VT
Registration – https://bit.ly/1PMZk7s
I hope you can join us!
Beth Roy

Farm to School Coordinator
Vital Communities
195 North Main Street
White River Junction, VT 05001
Vital Communities brings people together to use renewable energy, shop local first, explore our Valley, eat local food, improve our transportation, and serve our community. Give now to double your impact!