Vermont’s official Climate Change Newsletter: The Climate Connection.

Vermont’s official Climate Change Newsletter: The Climate Connection.  We hope that you find this latest issue engaging and informative.  As always, we value your feedback.

Click Here to view the Spring 2014 issue

Included in this issue, you will find:

UVM Project Aims to Increase Farm Resilience
A trans-disciplinary project to conduct research and outreach to farmers on climate change best management practices in the Lake Champlain Basin

Net Metering: What it is, Why it Matters
The cap on net-metered electricity generation projects was raised earlier this month, providing additional opportunities for Vermonters to have access to renewable energy

Governor Shumlin Joins White House Task Force on Climate Preparedness
Vermont brings it’s hard-won experience with flood recovery to the national level

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
A review of the first in the nation greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program

Building Resilient Communities in the Upper CT River Valley
A local group takes on the task of educating the Upper Valley about climate change

Visit the Climate Change Website Here